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Offline Storage Sync

Matthew Walther edited this page May 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Offline Storage and Sync

  • how staff can enter data/input forms when offline/in the field, and then sync up to system records when connected and logged in.

  • Actor: Enforcement

  • Entity: "Enforcement mobile device"

  • Actor: LAP


title "Workflow: Offline Storage and Syncronization"

actor Enforcement
entity "Enforcement Mobile Device" as Device
actor LAP

Enforcement -> Device: Authenticate
Device --> LAP: Begin session
LAP -> Device: Pass session information
Device -> LAP: Request Syncronization of data
LAP -> Device: Begin Sync
Device -> Device: Local cache of Objects updated

Enforcement -> Device: Networking capabilities disabled

Enforcement -> Enforcement: Collects artifacts and documentation
Enforcement -> Device: Attach artifacts to relevant objects\n(case, complaint, etc)

Device -> Device: Queue artifacts for sync in device Local Storage

Enforcement -> Device: Networking capabilities enabled

Device -> LAP: Request syncronization of data
LAP -> Device: Begin Sync
Device -> Device: Local cache of Objects updated
Device -> LAP: Push queued attachments in Local Storage
