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14 repositories
PublicA web frontend for GBA Thesaurus - a controlled vocabulary for geosciences. ..bilingual in german and english as used in geoscientific text publications and geological maps of the Geological Survey of Austria..designed as a knowledge representation of the geological survey, in contrast to national and international standards, classifications or …tethys
PublicTETHYS - Data Publisher for Geoscience Austria is a digital data library and a data publisher for earth system science. Data can be georeferenced in time (date/time) and space (latitude, longitude, depth/height).GeotiefExplore
PublicQueries our earth sciences library by entering any place name in the worldproject-vocabularies
PublicThis ASP.NET app is based on the INSPIRE data model for geology, especially designed to search and analyze geological data. Please see example link where you search for geologic features in Austria attributed with “breccia”:GeoShape.JS
PublicThe GeoPLASMA-CE project, funded by the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Programme (, deals with shallow geothermal energy in Central Europe. The GeoPLASMA-CE web portal, can be found at
PublicThe functionality of the tool was designed particularly to the requirements of traditional „geological cartography“. Only from one legend table, which contains all symbol names, a legend can be created graphically in the page layout. ArcMap mxd's or layer files in all variations and versions are no longer necessary for the graphical representati…GbaViewer
PublicThe program “FeatureRenderer” symbolizes all existing entries in the UniqueValueRenderer (individual value classification) of a given ArcMap Layer.