This repository contains a formalization of monads including several models, examples of monadic equational reasoning, and an application to program semantics.
Formalized papers:
- [Gibbons and Hinze, Just do It: Simple Monadic Equational Reasoning, ICFP 2011] (except Sect. 10.2)
- [Gibbons, Unifying Theories of Programming with Monads, UTP 2012] (up to Sect. 7.2)
- [Mu, Functional Pearls: Reasoning and Derivation of Monadic Programs, A case study of non-determinism and state, 2017] (up to Sect. 5)
- [Jones and Duponcheel, Composing Monads, Yale RR 1993] (Sections 2 and 3)
Other reference:
- [Cheung, Distributive Interaction of Algebraic Effects, PhD Thesis, U. Oxford, 2017]
- monad.v: basics of monadic equational reasoning
- state_monad.v: about the state monad
- trace_monad.v: about the state-trace monad
- proba_monad.v: about the probability monad
- monad_composition.v: composing monads
- model.v: definition common to
files - monad_model.v: concrete models of monads (corresponding to
) - proba_monad_model.v: concrete model of the probability monad
- altprob_model.v: model of combined choice
- example_spark.v: example of Spark aggregation
- example_nqueens.v: example of the n-queens puzzle
- example_relabeling.v: example of tree relabeling
- example_monty.v: examples of Monty Hall problem
- smallstep.v: semantics for an imperative language
- smallstep_monad.v: equivalence operational semantics/denotation
- smallstep_examples.v: sample imperative programs
- Coq 8.9.0 or 8.9.1
- Mathematical Components library 1.8.0
- MathComp-Analysis 0.2.0 which requires
- infotheo github master version
All versions (except infotheo) available from opam.
Compiles also with mathcomp 1.9.0, analysis 0.2.2, finmap 1.2.1 (using the mathcomp-1.9.0 branch of infotheo).
rm Makefile.coq
beforehand in case of Coq upgrade