Join me for "TextCraft: Enhancing Documentation with LaTeX and Markdown in SageMaker," where we'll explore the powerful capabilities of LaTeX and Markdown to improve your documentation practices. This talk will provide insights into leveraging these tools within SageMaker to create clearer, more effective, and professionally styled documents. Whether you're documenting research, drafting reports, or preparing presentations, you’ll learn how to seamlessly integrate text and code in your workflows, enhancing readability and functionality. Ideal for data scientists, researchers, and anyone interested in advanced documentation techniques.
- Greek Letters
- Arrows
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- Binary Operation/Relation Symbols
- Math Constructs
- Matrix
- Aligning Equations
Greek Letters | Jupyter Notebook Upper Case | Jupyter Notebook Lower Case |
Α, |
\Alpha | \alpha |
Β, |
\Beta | \beta |
Γ, |
\Gamma | \gamma |
Δ, |
\Delta | \delta |
Ε, |
\Epsilon | \epsilon |
Ζ, |
\Zeta | \zeta |
Η, |
\Eta | \eta |
Θ, |
\Theta | \theta |
Ι, |
\Iota | \iota |
Κ, |
\Kappa | \kappa |
Λ, |
\Lambda | \lambda |
Μ, |
\Mu | \mu |
Ν, |
\NU | \nu |
Ξ, |
\Xi | \xi |
Ο, |
\Omicron | \omicron |
Π, |
\Pi | \pi |
Ρ, |
\Rho | \rho |
Σ, |
\Sigma | \sigma |
Τ, |
\Tau | \tau |
Υ, |
\Upsilon | \upsilon |
Χ, |
\Chi | \chi |
Ψ, |
\Psi | \Psi |
Ω, |
\Omega | \omega |
Symbol | Latex Syntax | Symbols | Latex Syntax |
\leftarrow | \Leftarrow | ||
\rightarrow | \Rightarrow | ||
\leftrightarrow | \rightleftharpoons | ||
\uparrow | \downarrow | ||
\Uparrow | \Downarrow | ||
\Leftrightarrow | \Updownarrow | ||
\mapsto | \longmapsto | ||
\nearrow | \searrow | ||
\leftharpoonup | \rightharpoonup | ||
\leftharpoondown | \rightharpoondown |
Symbol | Latex Syntax | Symbol | Latex Syntax |
\infty | \forall | ||
\Re | \Im | ||
\nabla | \exists | ||
\partial | \nexists | ||
\emptyset | \varnothing | ||
$ \wp$ | \wp | \complement | |
\neg | \cdots | ||
\square | $ \surd$ | \surd | |
\blacksquare | \triangle |
Symbol | Latex Syntax | Symbol | Latex Syntax |
\times | \cdot | ||
\div | \cap | ||
\cup | \neq | ||
\leq | \geq | ||
\in | \perp | ||
\notin | \subset | ||
\simeq | \approx |
Math Construct | Latex Code | Output |
Sumation | Sum \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} 2^{-n}=1 | Sum |
Product | [\prod_{i=a}^{b} f(i) ] | |
Coproduct | \coprod{abc}^{xyz} | |
Integral | \int_{abc}^{xyz} | \int_{abc}^{xyz} |
Integral Over a Closed Contour | \oint{abc}{xyz} | |
Double integral | \iint_{abc}^{xyz} | |
Fracton | \frac{abc}{xyz} | |
Prime | f` | |
Square Root | \sqrt{abc} | |
Nth-Root | \sqrt[n]{abc} | |
Overline | \overline{abc} | |
Underline | \underline{abc} | |
wide hat | \widehat{abc} |
\frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6} & 0 \\
\frac{5}{6} & 0 & \frac{1}{6} \\
0 & \frac{5}{6} & \frac{1}{6}
A_{m,n} =
a_{1,1} & a_{1,2} & \cdots & a_{1,n} \\
a_{2,1} & a_{2,2} & \cdots & a_{2,n} \\
\vdots & \vdots & \ddots & vdots \\
a_{m,1} & a_{m,2} & \cdots & a_{m,n}
\sigma &= \sqrt{E\left[ \left(X -\mu\right)^2 \right] } \\
&= \sqrt{E\left[ X^2 \right]+ E\left[\left(-2\mu X\right)\right] +E\left[ \mu^2\right]} \\
&= \sqrt{E\left[ X^2 \right] -2\mu E\left[X\right] + \mu^2}\\
&= \sqrt{E\left[X^2 \right]- 2\mu^2 + \mu^2 }\\
&= \sqrt{E\left[ X^2 \right]-\mu^2}\\
&= \sqrt{E\left[ X^2 \right] - \left(E\left[X\right]\right)^2}