Scripts and instructions to easily record data from kinesthetic demonstrations as rosbags and convert to matlab format.
To record/replay(bag) demonstrations you must install these packages:
Dependencies |
kuka-lwr-ros |
record_ros |
demo-voice-control (Optional) |
robotiq (Optional) |
my-matlab-rosbag (If you want to export data to MATLAB) |
Assuming you have installed the kuka-lwr-ros package, run the real-robot control interface and console in different terminals:
$ roslaunch lwr_simple_example real.launch
$ roslaunch lwr_fri lwr_fri_console.launch
Once the robot is in 'command' mode, it is automatically in gravity compensation mode and you can move the robot around as you wish. You can also simply stay in 'command' mode, open the fri interface and put the robot in grav-comp mode via the teach pendant. What is the difference then?
- Recording demonstrations in 'command' mode, the frequency of
is 500 hz (dt=0.002) - Recording demonstrations in 'monitor' mode, the frequency of
is 100 hz; (dt=0.01)
In the launch file launch/record_demonstrations.launch
you can define the topics that you wish to record in the following argument.
<arg name="topic" default="/lwr/ee_pose /lwr/ee_vel /lwr/joint_states /tf"/>
You must also define the path to the directory where all bags will be recorded and the bag prefix-:
<arg name="path_save" default="/home/kinesthetic_recordings/bags"/>
<arg name="file_name" default="demo_x"/>
Once you've done this, you can run the following launch file:
$ roslaunch easy_kinesthetic_recording record_demonstrations.launch
and when you are ready you can start/Stop a Recording (Rosbag) by typing the following in a terminal:
$ rosservice call /record/cmd "cmd: 'record/stop'"
To control the rosservice call
for the recorder node with voice commands, you should install and following the intructions in the voice control package and run the launch file:
roslaunch demo_voice_control teach_voice_control.launch
If the variables <arg name="viz_traj" default="true"/>
and <arg name="viz_obj" default="true"/>
are set to true
in the launch file, you should see the following in rviz. viz_obj
only works if the robotiq gripper is used.
You can replay the recorded demonstrations by running the following commands:
$ roslaunch easy_kinesthetic_recording replay_bag_demonstrations.launch
$ rosbag play *.bag
To export the data recorded in the rosbags to matlab you can use the package my-matlab-rosbag package. In the folder my_matlab_rosbag/tasks/
you will find a script that processes the rosbag topics and converts them to mat file. The corl_demos.m
script will generate the following plots:
In these case, the recorded trajectories are labeled using the robotiq gripper state, hence segmentation of the recordings is straightforward; i.e.
- when the gripper is closed, this indicates the non-linear motion that must be learned
- when the gripper is open, this indicates a "picking" or "back" motion that can also be learned
In the folder my_matlab_rosbag/trajectory-processing/
the script named: extract_trajectories.m
will generate data structures containing the trajectories corresponding to each primitive. It will compute the velocities of the end effector positions using the Savitsky-Golay filter. Hence the script will generate the following data:
- For Scenario 1
- For Scenario 2
For more complex scenarios where the gripper state is not a sufficient indication of a phase/action change, you should segment the data, possibly with my segmentation algorithm: or Lucia's Constraint-based approach
Contact: Nadia Figueroa (nadia.figueroafernandez AT epfl dot ch)