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Erwin Ried edited this page Jan 16, 2024 · 1 revision
  • Q: My device never boot/ white screen/ black screen after upgrade firmware/ reset/ coin battery dead/ took out sdcard.

    A: Check Won't boot and Config Menu

  • Q: Something is abnormal/ crashed/ not working/ behaving unexpected/ Guru Meditation

    A: Try Completely reset, if not helps, try Updating the Xilinx CPLD on hackrf board, if still not helps, report an issue on GitHub.

  • Q: no splash screen displayed/No time & date displayed/ touchscreen not working/ status bar icon disappeared/ backlight timeout abnormal/ encoder dial abnormal

    A: It's an option in settings, go check settings.

  • Q: It says xxx missing/ can't find xxx/ xxx read error/ xxx is outdated or you can't see xxx

    A: Make sure you correctly put the sdcard contents matching your firmware version.

  • Q: There's an unexpected spike on my waterfall/ IQ/ spectrum

    A: It's either a DC offset or noise from power. For noise you can try to use inner battery to reduce. For DC offset you can do nothing with it.

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