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starkos edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 2 revisions

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See moomalade/premake-usage.

Usages are an idea that has been batted around for years now, but never quite made it to the light of day. The goal it to allow a project script to specify how to use a library or component, as opposed to how to build it: what libraries to link, what header files and search paths to include, what symbols to define, and so on.

The syntax proposal is a new call usage to define the settings:

-- Define how to build the project
project "MyLibrary"

-- Define how to use the project
usage "MyLibrary"
   links { "my-library" }
   includedirs { "./includes" }
   defines { "MY_LIBRARY" }

Another project can then pull these settings in by calling uses:

project "MyApp"
    uses { "MyLibrary" }
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