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starkos edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 8 revisions

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Specifies one or more shell commands to be executed to rebuild a Makefile project.

rebuildcommands { "commands" }


commands specifies a list of one or more shell commands to be executed. The commands may use tokens.

Applies To

Makefile projects


Premake 5.0 or later.


Use a Makefile project to execute an external makefile.

workspace "MyWorkspace"
   configurations { "Debug", "Release" }

project "MyProject"
   kind "Makefile"

   buildcommands {
      "make %{cfg.buildcfg}"

   rebuildcommands {
      "make %{cfg.buildcfg} rebuild"

   cleancommands {
      "make clean %{cfg.buildcfg}"

See Also

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