This repository provides a torque controller for the KUKA youBot arm as well as a Service to generate trajectories which can then be executed by the torque controller. The Torque Controller has been tested under the following setup:
- Ubuntu 12.04 with ROS-Hydro
Watch the video demonstrating the RPG youBot Torque Controller:
More information: Master Thesis, More software from the Robotics and Perception Group
In order to use the torque controller, you will have to change the controller gains of the motor controllers of the KUKA youBot arm. Otherwise, the controller will not work. To change these gains, you can use the joint configurator application. Please read Section 4.3 of the Master Thesis to find out how to tune the gains. Our values are listed in Table 4.1--however, these values are most likely different for every robot.
To compile everything you need to install the youBot driver.
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-youbot-driver
The Torque Controller makes use of the pr2_msgs and the brics_actuator packages. You can install them by running
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-pr2-msgs
sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-brics-actuator
Additionally, you need an adapted version of the ros wrapper of the driver which you have to clone into the src folder of your catkin workspace
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
The latter is an adapted version of the mas-group/youbot_driver_ros_interface. It is important to use the adapted package instead of the original one since the torque controller will not work properly otherwise! The adapted version enables sending torque messages to the youbot_oodl
and disables gripper sensor readouts. This was necessary because the gripper position readout is blocking the youbot_oodl
You can download the actual Torque Controller by running
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
Then, you can simply catkin_make
cd catkin_ws
An axample on how to use the torque controller is provided in the torque_example package. To test it, you first have to launch the youbot_ros_driver_interface by
roslaunch youbot_driver_ros_interface youbot_driver.launch
Then, you can launch the provided launch file
roslaunch torque_example torque_example.launch
which starts the Torque Controller and a Trajectory Generator Service. Then you can start the exapmple by running
rosrun torque_example circle_traj
This will place the gripper to a start position using the existing position control. The node then asks you if you are ready to execute a trajectory with the torque controller. If you are type yes
in the console where you started the circle_traj
node. The gripper should then follow a circular trajectory.
The Torque Controller node is organized as an Action Server and can be launched as follows:
<node name="torque_control" pkg="torque_control" type="torque_control" cwd="node" output="screen"/>
joint_states (sensor_msgs::JointState)
The joint state message as published by the
arm_1/arm_controller/position_command (brics_actuator/JointPositions)
The joint positions commands to be sent to the
. -
arm_1/arm_controller/torques_command (brics_actuator/JointTorques)
The joint torque commands to be sent to the
torque_control/goal (trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory)
This message is created by calling the
service. The trajectory must consist of values for joint positions, velocities and acceleration for all 5 arm joints. -
torque_control/cancel (actionlib_msgs/GoalID)
Cancels an action with a specific ID.
- torque_control/feedback (torque_control/torque_trajectoryActionFeedback)
- torque_control/status (actionlib_msgs/GoalStatusArray)
- torque_control/result (torque_control/torque_trajectoryActionResult)
- turn_gravity_compensation_on
- turn_gravity_compensation_off
The trajectory generator node can be launched as follows:
<node name="trajectory" pkg="trajectory_generator" type="trajectory_service" output="screen" />
I provides four different services to generate trajectories for the KUKA youBot arm. In the following, JS
denotes Joint Space and CS
denotes the Cartesion Space. If a feasible trajectory for the input parameters are found, it is returned in a trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory
From_JS_2_JS (trajectory_generator/JStoJS)
Generates a joint space trajectory to move all the joints from the start joint space position to the desired end joint space position. The joints will perform a quadratic profile in position.
From_JS_2_CS (trajectory_generator/JStoCS)
Generates a joint space trajectory to move the gripper in a straight line from the start joint space position to the Cartesian end position. This is helpful to reach a Cartesian end-effector position from the current manipulator configuration.
From_CS_2_CS (trajectory_generator/CStoCS)
Generates a joint space trajectory to move the gripper in a straight line from the Cartesian start to the Cartesian end position.
Circular_Trajectory (trajectory_generator/Circle)
Generates a circular joint space trajectory around a center point.
Examples on how to use the different services can be found in the tester.cpp file.