The aim of this metapackage is wrapping event-based data from Prophesee sensors using OpenEB software and publishing the event-based data to ROS.
This metapackage contains ROS wrapper (prophesee_ros_driver) and messages (prophesee_event_msgs) for Prophesee sensors.
prophesee_ros_driver is a ROS wrapper including the following nodes:
- prophesee_ros_publisher - publishing data from Prophesee sensor to ROS topics
- prophesee_ros_viewer - listening data from ROS topics and visualizing them on a screen
prophesee_event_msgs package contains ROS message types for Prophesee event-based data, including:
- Event - an event from a Prophesee camera (uint16 x, uint16 y, ros::Time ts, bool polarity)
- EventArray - a buffer of events (Event[] events)
Supported Prophesee Evaluation Kit Cameras :
- EVKV2 - HD
- EVKV3 - VGA/320/HD
- EVKV4 - HD
- Ubuntu 20.04, 22.04 or 24.04 64-bit
- ROS Noetic
- curl (
sudo apt install curl
)- On Ubuntu 22 and 24, you also need to install libcurl4-openssl-dev by running
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev
- On Ubuntu 22 and 24, you also need to install libcurl4-openssl-dev by running
- OpenEB
First, retrieve and compile OpenEB.
Then, compile the packages:
Clone the source code to your catkin workspace (create a workspace, if needed)
cd catkin_ws/src git clone cd ..
Source the workspace
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
To publish data from Prophesee camera to ROS topics, run:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
The following topics will be published:
- /prophesee/camera/cd_events_buffer - buffer of CD (Change Detection) events
- /prophesee/camera/camera_info - information about the camera
To listen data from ROS topics and visualize them:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_viewer.launch
To record data from live camera to rosbag:
Start the publisher:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
Start rosbag recording (choose the topics to record or record all available topics):
rosbag record -a
To publish data from RAW file to ROS topics and view the data:
Update the prophesee_publisher.launch file to set the path to your RAW file (in
parameter)rosed prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
Start the ROS core
Start the viewer, at first to be sure to not miss any data:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_viewer.launch
Start the publisher:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
At the end of the RAW file, the publisher will stop on its own, but the viewer won't stop, so it's up to you to quit the viewer.
To record data from RAW file to rosbag:
Update the prophesee_publisher.launch file to set the path to your RAW file (in
parameter)rosed prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
Start the ROS core
Start rosbag recording (choose the topics to record or record all available topics):
rosbag record -a
Start the publisher:
roslaunch prophesee_ros_driver prophesee_publisher.launch
The ROS wrapper we propose in this repo is a minimal example to get you started. There are multiple ways to enhance it in terms of features and performance. The code is open to contributions, thus do not hesitate to propose pull requests.
We also recommend you to check the metavision_ros_driver repo from berndpfrommer that offers a ROS driver for event-based cameras with some speed and features enhancements.
In case of any issue, please raise an issue here on GitHub. For any other information contact us.