Foldclass and Merizo-search: embedding-based deep learning tools for protein domain segmentation, fold recognition and comparison. BiorXiv
Merizo-search is a method that builds on the original Merizo (Lau et al., 2023) by combining state-of-the-art domain segmentation with fast embedding-based searching. Specifically, Merizo-search makes use of an EGNN-based method called Foldclass, which embeds a structure and its sequence into a fixed size 128-length vector. This vector is then searched against a pre-encoded library of domains, and the top-k matches in terms of cosine similarity are used for confirmatory TM-align runs to validate the search. Merizo-search also supports searching larger-than-memory databases of embeddings using the Faiss library.
cd /path/to/merizo_search
conda create -n merizo_search python=3.9
conda activate merizo_search
pip install -r merizo_search/programs/Merizo/requirements.txt
conda install -c pytorch -c nvidia faiss-gpu
For the CPU-only version of Faiss, replace the last step with conda install faiss-cpu
. A GPU provides only minor speedups for searching with Faiss, but is beneficial when segmenting and/or embedding many structures.
We recommend using conda as there is no official Faiss package on PyPI the time of writing. Unofficial packages are available; use these at your own risk (see Ansible Installation below).
The Ansible installation uses virtualenv
rather than conda
, and therefore uses an unofficial, third-party-maintained Faiss package from PyPI. This installation method is provided for convenience and is at your own risk.
First ensure that Ansible is installed on your system, then clone this GitHub repo.
pip install ansible
git clone
cd merizo_search/ansible_installer
Next, edit config_vars.yml
to reflect where you would like Merizo-search and its underlying data to be installed.
You can now run ansible using
ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml
You can edit the hosts
file to install Merizo-search on one or more machines. This ansible installation creates a python virtualenv called merizosearch_env
, which the program needs to run. You can activate this with
source [app path]/merizosearch_env/bin/activate
If you're using a virtualenv to install Torch, you may find you need to add the paths to the virtualenv versions of cudnn/lib/
and nccl/lib/
BY DEFAULT we do not download the Merizo-search databases as they are nearly 1TB in size. You can do this manually (see below) or open install.yml
and uncomment the line - dataset
We provide pre-built Foldclass databases for domains in CATH 4.3 and all 365 million domains from TED. They can be obtained from here. We recommend using our convenience script in this repository (
) to download them.
If you are using a browser to access the URL above, please make sure you download the individual files in each directory, rather than download each directory as a whole.
Our pre-built databases (including the ones in the example/
directory in this repo) include metadata for each domain in the database. Metadata is organised in JSON key-value format, and the exact fields in the db are allowed to vary.
For the CATH database, we currently include the following fields (reformatted over multiple lines for clarity and annotated):
"cath": "", # CATH assignment up to superfamily (H) level
"res": "3.100", # Resolution of the PDB entry (where applicable; "NA" otherwise)
"rr": "4-124", # Residue range in the PDB (SEQRES numbering)
"clen": "576" # The length of the *chain* that this domain is from. Useful for producing domain architecture diagrams (we use this on the PSIPRED server).
For the TED database, we supply a subset of the fields available in the master TSV file. Here is the metadata available for an exampled domain:
"ted": "AF-Q9UKA2-F1-model_v4_TED01", # TED consensus domain ID.
"cnsl": "high", # TED consensus level; this is either "high" or "medium".
"rr": "50-229", # TED consensus residue range in the AFDB model, sometimes called the "chopping".
"plddt": "93.735", # Average plDDT of the domain residues.
"cath": "", # Putative CATH label. This is in formatted as C.A.T.H, or C.A.T, or "-" where a label could not be assigned.
"cl": "H", # The level in the CATH hierarchy up to which the label was assigned. This is either "H", "T", or "-".
"cm": "foldseek", # The method used to assign the CATH label. This is either "foldseek", "foldclass", or "-".
"dens": "11.6", # The packing density for this domain.
"rg": "0.297", # The radius of gyration for the domain.
"taxid": "9606", # The NCBI TaxID associated with this protein.
"taxsci": "Homo_sapiens", # The short taxonomic name for the TaxID.
"clen": "621" # The length of the *chain* that this domain is from. Useful for producing domain architecture diagrams (we use this on the PSIPRED server).
We will soon release scripts that will allow you to add JSON-formatted metadata to a custom database created by the createdb
module (see below).
Merizo-search supports the functionalities listed below. The -h
flag can be used to show all options for each mode :
segment Runs standard Merizo segment on a multidomain target.
search Runs Foldclass search on a single input PDB against a Foldclass database.
easy-search Runs Merizo to segment a query into domains and then searches against a Foldclass database.
createdb Creates a Foldclass database given a directory of PDB files.
The segment
module of Merizo can be used to segment a multidomain protein into domains and can be run using:
python segment <input.pdb> <output_prefix> <options>
# Example:
python segment ../examples/*.pdb results --iterate
The input PDB can be a single PDB, or multiple, including something like /dir/*.pdb
. The output_prefix
will be appended with _segment.tsv
to indicate the results of segment
The --iterate
option can sometimes be used to generate a better segmentation result on longer models, e.g. AlphaFold models.
The --pdb_chain
option lets you select which PDB chain will be analysed. If not provided, chain A
is assumed. If supplying multiple structures as queries, you can supply either a single chain ID to be used for all queries, or a comma-separated list of chain IDs, e.g. A,A,B,D,A
This will print:
2024-03-10 19:43:00,945 | INFO | Starting merizo segment with command:
merizo_search/ segment examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb examples/AF-Q96PD2-F1-model_v4.pdb results --iterate
2024-03-10 19:44:11,318 | INFO | Finished merizo segment in 70.37289953231812 seconds.
Results will be written to results_segment.tsv
filename nres nres_dom nres_ndr ndom pIoU runtime result
AF-Q96PD2-F1-model_v4 775 383 392 3 0.4942 0.7174 71-189,190-290,291-453
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4 432 267 165 1 0.6343 0.3958 1-267
3w5h 272 272 0 2 1.0000 0.2517 1001-1117,1118-1272
M0 31 0 31 0 0.0000 0.0225
The search
module of Merizo-search will call Foldclass to search queries (as they are, without segment
) against a pre-compiled database (created using createdb
). This is useful when queries are already domains.
The search
module is called using:
python search <input.pdb> <database_name> <output_prefix> <tmp> <options>
Again, the -h
option will print all options that can be given to the program. The database_name
argument is the prefix of a Foldclass database. A Foldclass database can be created using createdb
For default Foldclass databases, database_name should be the basename of the database without .pt
or .index
. For example:
python search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/cath results tmp
For Faiss databases, use the basename of the .json
file without extension:
python search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/ted100 results tmp
Results will be written to results_search.tsv
query topk_rank target cosine_similarity q_len t_len len_ali seq_id q_tm t_tm max_tm rmsd
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4 0 0.8204 432 304 169 0.1120 0.2646 0.3470 0.3470 6.27
Output fields are configurable using the --format
flag which allows the section of different fields, specified as a comma-separated list. The defulat is to output all fields: query,chopping,conf,plddt,emb_rank,target,emb_score,q_len,t_len,ali_len,seq_id,q_tm,t_tm,max_tm,rmsd,metadata
combines segment
and search
into a single workflow. A multidomain query is parsed using segment
, and the resultant domains are searched against a database using search
. This can be called using:
python search <input.pdb> <database_name> <output_prefix> <tmp> <options>
# Example:
python easy-search ../examples/AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4.pdb ../examples/database/cath results tmp --iterate
As with search
, the -h
option will print all options that can be given to the program. The database_name
argument is the prefix of a Foldclass database, as above. A Foldclass database can be created using createdb
The results in the _search.tsv
file will be different to that of search
and will show extra information about the domain parse:
query_dom chopping conf plddt topk_rank target cosine_similarity q_len t_len len_ali seq_id q_tm t_tm max_tm rmsd
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4_merizo_01 1-267 1.0000 91.9215 0 0.8583 267 178 147 0.0680 0.3811 0.5180 0.5180 4.95
As with segment
, the _segment.tsv
file will show the results of segment
query nres nres_domain nres_non_domain num_domains conf time_sec chopping
AF-Q96HM7-F1-model_v4 432 267 165 1 0.6343 22.7448 1-267
Output fields are configurable using the --format
flag which allows the section of different fields: query, target, conf, plddt, chopping, emb_rank, emb_score, q_len, t_len, ali_len, seq_id, q_tm, t_tm, max_tm, rmsd
can be used to create a standard Foldclass database given a directory of PDB structures (anything with the extension .pdb
will be read automatically). This can be run using:
python createdb <directory_containing_pdbs> <output_database_prefix>
# Example:
python merizo_search/ createdb examples/database/cath_pdb examples/database/cath
The argument given to output_database_prefix
will be appended with .pt
and .index
, with the two files constituting a Foldclass database.
The .pt
file is a Pytorch tensor containing the embedding representation of the PDB files.
The .index
file contains the PDB names, CA coordinates and the sequences of the input PDBs.
Both search
and easy-search
support searching for database entries that match all domains in a query chain. In the case of search
, all supplied query structures are considered as domains originating from a single chain and searched against the database. In the case of easy-search
, segmentation and multi-domain search operate on a per-query-chain basis, that is, only domains segmented from individual query chains are searched together at a time.
To enable multi-domain searching, add the option --multi_domain_search
to a search
or easy-search
A few important things to note:
- In multi-domain searches,
still controls the maximum number of per-domain hits retrieved using vector search. We recommend setting it to 100 or so. - We only keep hits where all domains in each query chain are matched at least once in a hit chain. We don't return hits containing fewer domains than the query domain set. You can, however, manually supply a subset of pre-segmented domains to the
command with--multi_domain_search
enabled. - The accuracy of multi-domain
runs is dependent on the accuracy of the initial Merizo segmentation. If you're not getting many meaningful hits, we recommend checking the output from the implicitsegment
step from your run. Merizo is fairly robust, but you may wish to manually segment your query chain and then re-run multi-domain search using thesearch
module. - If any domains in the query or hit chains are discontinuous, you will need to carry out extra checks to verify the matches. In particular, do not rely solely on the value of the
field in the output.
When --multi_domain_search
is supplied, multi-domain search results are output in a file with the suffix _search_multi_dom.tsv
. Each line of this file describes a match between a query chain and a hit chain. This is different from the outputs from search
, in which each line describes a domain-level match.
The format of this file is not configurable (though headers can be enabled with the --output_headers
option), and has the following format:
query_chain nqd hit_chain nhd match_category match_info hit_metadata
3w5h 2 1amoA 4 1 3w5h_merizo_01:1amoA02:0.70881,3w5h_merizo_02:1amoA04:0.71 [{"cath": "", "res": "2.600"},{"cath": "", "res": "2.600"}]
3w5h 2 1amoB 4 1 3w5h_merizo_01:1amoB02:0.70881,3w5h_merizo_02:1amoB04:0.71 [{"cath": "", "res": "2.600"},{"cath": "", "res": "2.600"}]
3w5h 2 1b2rA 2 3 3w5h_merizo_01:1b2rA01:0.73567,3w5h_merizo_02:1b2rA02:0.70819 [{"cath": "", "res": "1.800"},{"cath": "", "res": "1.800"}]
3w5h 2 1bjkA 2 3 3w5h_merizo_01:1bjkA01:0.7425,3w5h_merizo_02:1bjkA02:0.708 [{"cath": "", "res": "2.300"},{"cath": "", "res": "2.300"}]
The columns are:
Column name | Meaning |
query_chain |
The name of the query chain. In the case of search mode, all supplied structures are treated as domains coming from the same chain. |
nqd |
The number of domains in the query chain. In the case of search mode, this is the number of supplied domains. |
hit_chain |
The name of the matched chain in the database. |
nhd |
The total number of domains in the hit chain. This is always equal to or greater than nqd . |
match_category |
An integer from 0 to 3 indicating the type of match (see below). |
match_info |
Domain correspondence info. A comma-separated list of length nqd , each element of which is formatted as query_domain:hit_domain:tm_align_score . |
match_metadata |
JSON array containing metadata for each hit domain, in the order that the hit domains appear in match_info . |
Multi-domain hits are categorised into one of 4 categories in the match_category
field of the output, representing the type of multi-domain match. Each can be seen as a subset of the last:
match_category |
Category name | Meaning |
0 | Unordered domain match | All query domains present in hit chain, but in different sequential order to query chain. Domains may be inserted relative to the query chain at any position. |
1 | Discontiguous domain match | All query domains matched in sequential order, but hit chain has at least one extra domain in an interstitial position, and possibly at one or both ends. |
2 | Contiguous domain match | All query domains matched in sequential order. Hit chain has extra domains at one or both ends, but not in interstitial positions. |
3 | Exact multi-domain architecture (MDA) match | Query chain and hit chain correspond at domain level without domain rearrangement or insertions. |
It is possible for the same hit chain to be listed more than once for the same query chain, as multiple query domain-hit domain mappings may be possible (e.g. in the case of repeats of domains). In such cases, Merizo-search will list all such pairings, one per line.
As stated above, if any domains in the query or hit chains are discontinuous, you will need to carry out extra checks to verify the matches. In particular, do not rely solely on the value of match_category
, as it uses a fairly simple algorithm to assign the match category values.
The segment
module used in segment
and easy-search
produces a number of different output files that can be turned on using various flags:
--save_domains Save the domains as individual PDBs.
--save_pdb Save a single PDB with the occupancy column replaced with domain IDs. (Visualise in PyMOL using the `spectrum q` command).
--save_pdf Save a PDF output showing the domain map.
--save_fasta Save the sequence of the input file.
By default, all output files will be saved alongside the original input query PDB, but they can be saved into a folder given by --merizo_output
If you find Foldclass and/or Merizo-search useful, please cite our pre-print:
Foldclass and Merizo-search: embedding-based deep learning tools for protein domain segmentation, fold recognition and comparison, BiorXiv
Merizo is described in the following article:
Merizo: a rapid and accurate protein domain segmentation method using invariant point attention. Nature Communications 14, 8445