- What does drift look like for Pfam families?
- What does sequence generation look like for Pfam/HMMER HMMS
- What does sequence generation look like for ESM on a single-seq and MSA basis
- Is drift of representation-ness correlated to performance in predictive tasks, namely CASP
PFAM RELEASE 36 @ 15 March 2024
Get the Pfam-A.full.uniprot sequences and Pfam-A.hmm model sdataset from Interpro
extract all pfam sequences to fasta and annotation with family ID: ~/bin/prep_pfam_fasta.py discarding truncated sequence
Convert to PSI-BLAST DB
Using Hmmemit output the consensus sequence for each family:
~/Applications/hmmer-3.3.2/src/hmmemit -c ~/Data/pfam/Pfam-A.hmm > pfam_consensus_reps.fa python relabel_pfam_consensus_seqs.py ~/Data/pfam/Pfam-A.hmm ~/Data/pfam/pfam_consensus_reps.fa > pfam_consensus_reps_labelled.fa python ~/bin/prep_fasta.py pfam_consensus_reps_labelled.fa > pfam_consensus_reps_labelled_flattened.fa
Using RaxML build the distance matrix over all Pfam domains, using mafft and raxml
python3 ./calculate_pfam_distances.py ~/Data/pfam/pfam_consensus_reps_labelled_flattened.fa This gives us an all-against-all evolutionary distance matrix but built on an MAFFT MSA that may not be meaningful. But fun to do/try
Perform an all-against-all Needleman and wunsch of the reps. Extract bits scores for a similarity matrix Scale/Normalise to between 0 and one and invert for a distance matrix
wc -l pfam_consensus_reps_labelled_flattened.fa Then use split to divide in to 500 files (880 will change depending on size), for cluster execution split --numeric-suffixes=1 -a 3 -l 82 --additional-suffix=_pfam_random rename x00 '' *_pfam_random rename x0 '' *_pfam_random rename x '' *_pfam_random
pfam_consensus_reps_labelled_flattened.fa ''
use pfam_reps_nw.py over our relabelled pfam_random_reps_labelled.fa wrote a morecambe script run_pfam_nw.sh to batch job this over a couple of days as it is A LOT of comparisons 20k x 20k
Also do this for the random reps
Script that combines the distances down to a big matrix, maybe numpy and save as blob or pickle. build_rep_distance_matrix.py
a. Take the distance matrices and cluster them. b. project with t-sne c. Are the clusters meaningful?
- Use prep_pfam_fasta.py to make a fasta file of all PF families in Pfam-A.full.uniprot, The makeblastdb to make a blastt db of it
- Psiblast Consensus seq against pfam blast db, Save number of hits for each family at each iteration, Additionally save sequences at each iteration IF we detect drift and build an MSA
python run_pfam_rep_blasts.py use run_pfam_psiblast.sh on myriad to coordinate this.
- Analyse *_blast_summary.csv, to find out which families show drift and what kinds of drift
python calculate_drift_types.py results_data/psiblast_iteration_summaries/ outputs drift_list.txt - familes with drift contamination non_drift_list.txt - families with no such contamination drift_error_list.txt - families with errors in the drift summary file, to be re-run insignificant_drifts.txt - families where contamination is less than 5% of the peak family size significant_drifts.txt - list of drift families with substantial amounts of drift drift_summary.txt - summary of some different behaviours of the query and contaminant families
- We select some Pfam families from each drift class. Unpack the sequences. Align them with mafft.
select_targets.py we take in some lists of families and output a list of targets that we want to model alphafold_targets.csv - a list of target pfam families for differing drift classes get_target_id_list.py little helper script that takes the target list and translates it in to the JOB IDs that were used on the cluster to output the target list alphafold_targets_as_id.txt - just the list of JOB IDs that map to the alphafold targets run_mafft.py mafft.sh
- Take all our alignments and then run alphafold2.
- Collate models and analyse.
- Select a random rep from the pfam family
select_rep.py ~/Data/pfam/Pfam-A.hmm random_pfam_reps.fa - one rep sequence randomly selected from each pfam family
- Repeat 2A steps 1 to 6
- Generate 50 seqs for each hhemit, take in results_data/generation_or_af_targets/alpha_fold_targets_as_id.txt and output 50 seqs for each drift class
hmmer_seq_generator.py hmm_subset.hmm - the hmms of the target subset hmm_generated_seqs.fa - 50 seqs per family in the target list
- Find the pfam family that our mafft/salpha fold targets best hit using fasta find_closest_hmm_seqfamily.py run_closest.hmm.sh outputs lots of ".best" files that we cat in to one large csv
Generate 50 seqs for each family in alpha_fold_targets.csv using ProtTans
prottrans_seq_gen.py pfam_targets_for_prottrans.fa - all the seqs for the target families masked_25_percent_targets.fa - a sample of 100 seqs from each family with 25% randomly masked masked_50_percent_targets.fa - a sample of 100 seqs from each family with 50% randomly masked masked_75_percent_targets.fa - a sample of 100 seqs from each family with 75% randomly masked
find the pfam family that our mafft/salpha fold targets generated by prottrans best hit using fasta find_closest_family_rep.py
outputs : results_data/hmm_closest/drift_summary.csv and results_data/prottrans_closest/drift_summary.csv
Just totaly the amount of out of family sequences at iteration 5 of the psiblast search.
- generate CLUSTAL-Omega alignments for the drift and non drift sample for use in alpha fold
python prep_alignments.py /home/dbuchan/Projects/profile_drift/results_data/generation_or_af_targets/alphafold_targets.csv /home/dbuchan/Projects/profile_drift/results_data/alphafold_targets/
Outputs a lot of alignments in a2m format
- Run collab fold over all the alignments on morecambe
qsub example_modelling_script.sh
Outputs an alphafold model for each part of the targets that we were interested in.
- Collate plDDTs
- Find best CATH hit using merizo search.
Runs merizo search and collates which cath h family and the TMscore
read the merzio summary and work out, per class, how often the cath class changes and how much the TMScor changes
hmm_drift_summary.R prottrans_drift_summary.R summarise_models.R