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DatuX edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 13 revisions

Performance tips

Depending on your situation, these performance tips may help a lot.

Speeding up SSH

You can make your ssh connections persistent and greatly speed up zfs-autobackup:

On the server that initiates the backup add this to your ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
    ControlPath ~/.ssh/control-master-%r@%h:%p
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPersist 3600

Thanks @mariusvw :)

Direct TCP network transfer

If ssh-encryption performance is still too slow for your use-case, you can do a direct unencrypted transfer via tcp ip:

Use something like this:

zfs-autobackup ... --send-pipe "nc server_name 8023" --recv-pipe "nc -l -p 8023"

This will pipe the data through netcat on the specified port. (You can use any transfer program you want this way)

Note that only the actual transfer of the ZFS-data during zfs send/recv is done via this, it still requires SSH for all the other stuff.

Also see:

Buffering and compression

Also it might help to use the --buffer option to use IO buffering during the data transfer.

This might speed up things since it smooths out sudden IO bursts that are frequent during a zfs send or recv.

If you have a slow link and compressible data, look at the --compress option.

Less zfs commands

You can make zfs-autobackup use less commands and IO per snapshot transfer by:

  • --no-holds: to prevent the hold/release commands.
  • --allow-empty: to prevent commands to figure out if a snapshot would be empty.
  • --no-guid-check: dont check if common snapshots have the same guid.
  • --clear-mountpoint: not mounting the dataset on the target saves time.

Disable progress (ZFS bug)

There is actually a performance regression in ZFS version 2:

This bug will delay each transfer by 1 second. This is a problem if you have lots of small transfers.

Use --no-progress as workaround.

Some statistics

To get some idea of how fast zfs-autobackup is, I did some test on my laptop, with a SKHynix_HFS512GD9TNI-L2B0B disk. I'm using zfs 2.0.2.

I created 100 empty datasets and measured the total runtime of zfs-autobackup. I used --no-holds, --allow-empty and ssh ControlMaster.

  • without ssh: 15 seconds. (>6 datasets/s)
  • either ssh-target or ssh-source=localhost: 20 seconds (5 datasets/s)
  • both ssh-target and ssh-source=localhost: 24 seconds (4 datasets/s)

To be bold I created 2500 datasets, but that also was no problem. So it seems it should be possible to use zfs-autobackup with thousands of datasets.

If you need more performance let me know.

TCP tuning

By default, the linux kernel uses cubic as the TCP Congestion Control protocol. This is extremely good for almost all situations, except for moving huge amounts of data over the public internet where you can have brief bursts of congestion (and therefore packet loss).

Changing this to scaleable makes TCP sessions recover much faster from packet loss, and return to the full speed available without the extended recovery of the normal cubic protocol.

If you're sending data over the internet, this setting might help:


# Recovers rapidly from congestion
net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = scalable

More info:

(thanks @xrobau)