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zfs check

Gabriel A. Devenyi edited this page Mar 24, 2022 · 10 revisions

Checking backups with zfs-check

This tool is part of zfs-autobackup v3.2-alpha2 and higher.

Get it with:

pip install zfs-autobackup --pre --upgrade

What does it do?

zfs-check is a tool to generate checksum streams from zfs datasets. (it also can be used on regular block devices and files)

Its kind of like sha1sum, but incremental: It generates a sha1 hash per "chunk" of data. This allows you to use it on huge datasets and only do a partial checks of the data.


A tool like this wouldn't seem necessary for ZFS: ZFS has full check summing, so you can be 100% sure the data doesn't get corrupted, right?

While this is true to a certain extend, it IS possible that data gets corrupted during transfer with zfs send/recv. This can happen because of certain bugs in ZFS. For example: and

In such cases the checksums are still OK, but they are of the wrong (corrupt) data.

So a tool to actually compare the data of 2 datasets was needed, hence zfs-check.

How to use it?

In its simplest form you can just use it on a directory like this:

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check /bin --verbose |head -20
  zfs-check v3.2-alpha2 - (c)2022 E.H.Eefting (
  Target               : /bin
  Block size           : 4096 bytes
  Block count          : 25600
  Effective chunk size : 104857600 bytes
  Skip chunk count     : 0 (checks 100.00% of data)
smbtree	0	cec00f01df1064a98640e01b50c4030259c655bc
ls	0	605d772c98dd91c4df9a9200e63c5edf10cff4ce
cifsdd	0	11348b768b5f14234863c02392dcbe749d34bf91
dh_bash-completion	0	9d17e0e071892ef43f1ae3fdb5abd40b5bb45252
swtpm_localca	0	83b427c1ae0d91d46cd49db8ae31e2425e5de55a
dpkg-mergechangelogs	0	13ec450b69b525bc510bcf15f2409a647928fc43
true	0	f490cefeec06ba345a5e53ec9814a9763a3330e9

The 0 in this output means its the checksum of chunk zero of each file. Since the default chunksize is 100MB, all the small files in this example have just one chunk.

Comparing with --check

The output of this can then be used as input on another zfs-check. In this example we detected an error:

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check /bin > checksums
[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check /bin --check checksums
aa-enabled: Chunk 0 failed: c2a2be25e6c3a5d89005028ea37a61771489710a c2a2be25e6c3a5d89005028ea37a61771489710f

It displays the expected sha1sum vs the actual sha1sum)

Using it on ZFS snapshots

You can just specify a snapshot of a volume or filesystem. zfs-check will mount it and check it just like the above examples. (Use --debug if you want to see how it does this.)

On a ZFS volume:

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0@kantoor_offsite-20220308020453 
0	87a193d73a27aceb38334eca51d180493c9a2348
1	92559a75e61b021e6a3a351a6b241d7440b79d55
2	6abb3ec919ccbe6ac36580cc43f34af80280ae18

On a ZFS dataset:

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check rpool/data/subvol-104-disk-0@kantoor_offsite-20220308020453 
run/resolvconf/resolv.conf	0	c3f9736e9af7bd0885578859a50b205c8fa5fc8e
run/resolvconf/interface/original.resolvconf	0	c3f9736e9af7bd0885578859a50b205c8fa5fc8e
run/samba/names.tdb	0	3dddf16c3899dcf79c0beb636520cc58c86c4ef2
run/samba/gencache_notrans.tdb	0	7c1499d1a78a24d08dbeaeb7bf93ffdc0b0fac41
run/samba/mutex.tdb	0	3dddf16c3899dcf79c0beb636520cc58c86c4ef2
run/samba/upgrades/smb.conf	0	ffc2469dd94b7772c2f1689a43e5bacf62bdd0d1
run/samba/msg.lock/13960	0	21c27e175354df9df55b9b3d3500482b2ea99161
run/samba/msg.lock/6124	0	d6b22ab7ca0ac99d3d74eb58499ccfd2fc85c426

Using it to compare a remote and local ZFS dataset

You can use it via a simple SSH pipe to compare to datasets:

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0@offsite-20220308020453 | ssh backupserver1 "zfs-check backup/pve1/rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0@offsite-20220308020453 --check"

Only checking a small sample of the total data

You can use the --skip option to skip a certain amount of chunks. To only check 10% of your data use --skip 9. (It will check 1 block and then skip 9 blocks)

[root@pve1 ~]# zfs-check rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0@offsite-20220308020453 --skip 9 --verbose
  zfs-check v3.2-alpha2 - (c)2022 E.H.Eefting (
  Target               : rpool/data/vm-101-disk-0@kantoor_offsite-20220308020453
  Block size           : 4096 bytes
  Block count          : 25600
  Effective chunk size : 104857600 bytes
  Skip chunk count     : 9 (checks 10.00% of data)
0	87a193d73a27aceb38334eca51d180493c9a2348
10	2c2ceccb5ec5574f791d45b63c940cff20550f9a
20	2c2ceccb5ec5574f791d45b63c940cff20550f9a
30	6fdee2a737a0b4db519a70dc2ecd765a90a10bce

Normally you use this on the "generating" side.

You can also use it on the "checking" side: It will then just skip this number of hashes. This is usefull if you already generated a 100% list of checksums, but you only want to compare a smaller sample of it.

Note: Keep in mind that if you use --skip on both sides, it will skip 2 times. If you use --skip=9 on both sides, the sender will only send 10% and the checker will only check 10% of that amount. (resulting in a coverage of 1%)

Using it automaticly with zfs-autoverify

Work in progress

This tool will use zfs-check to automaticly verify your backups that where made with zfs-autobackup.