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CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project - Algorithm API


2024 August Update: Someone sent me the slides from the briefing of this semester, this repository, along with my other MDP-related ones, are entirely STILL reusable as far as I can see. SCSE can become CCDS but MDP is still MDP. As usual, retrain the YOLO model (or use something more recent la). Once again, that is a 1-day thing. If you are using these repositories and you don't have a functioning, fully-integrated system by end of Week 4, reconsider your life choices and your peer evaluations.

2023 Semester 1 Update: At least from what my juniors told me, this repository, along with my other MDP-related ones, are entirely reusuable. The only exception is that you will need to retrain the YOLO model since the fonts/colors were changed. That is a 1-day thing. If you are using these repositories and you don't have a functioning, fully-integrated system by end of Week 4, reconsider your life choices.

Y'all, if you are using this code, which apparently a LOT of y'all are, at least star this repo leh

This repository contains the code for the algorithm and image recognition inference component of the CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project. The repository is responsible for the following:

  • Finding the shortest path from starting point to all the obstacles
  • Performing inference on the images captured by the robot to identify the symbols
  • Stitching the images together to form a summary of the results


pip install -r requirements.txt

Start the server by


The server will be running at localhost:5000


  • Raw images from Raspberry Pi are stored in the uploads folder.
  • After calling the image/ endpoint, the annotated image (with bounding box and label) is stored in the runs and own_results folder.
  • After calling the stitch/ endpoint, two stitched images using two different functions (for redundancy) are saved at runs/stitched.jpg and in the own_results folder.

Primers - Constants and Parameters

Direction of the robot (d)

  • NORTH - UP - 0
  • EAST - RIGHT - 2
  • SOUTH - DOWN - 4
  • WEST - LEFT 6


  • EXPANDED_CELL - Size of an expanded cell, normally set to just 1 unit, but expanding it to 1.5 or 2 will allow the robot to have more space to move around the obstacle at the cost of it being harder to find a shortest path. Useful to tweak if robot is banging into obstacles.
  • WIDTH - Width of the area (in 10cm units)
  • HEIGHT - Height of the area (in 10cm units)
  • ITERATIONS - Number of iterations to run the algorithm for. Higher number of iterations will result in a more accurate shortest path, but will take longer to run. Useful to tweak if robot is not finding the shortest path.
  • TURN_RADIUS - Number of units the robot turns. We set the turns to 3 * TURN_RADIUS, 1 * TURN_RADIUS units. Can be tweaked in the algorithm
  • SAFE_COST - Used to penalise the robot for moving too close to the obstacles. Currently set to 1000. Take a look at get_safe_cost to tweak.
  • SCREENSHOT_COST - Used to penalise the robot for taking pictures from a position that is not directly in front of the symbol.

API Endpoints:

1. POST Request to /path:

Sample JSON request body:

            "x": 0,
            "y": 9,
            "id": 1,
            "d": 2
            "x": 19,
            "y": 14,
            "id": 5,
            "d": 6

Sample JSON response:

    "data": {
        "commands": [
        "distance": 46.0,
        "path": [
                "d": 0,
                "s": -1,
                "x": 1,
                "y": 1
                "d": 2,
                "s": -1,
                "x": 5,
                "y": 3
                "d": 2,
                "s": -1,
                "x": 6,
                "y": 9
    "error": null
2. POST Request to /image

The image is sent to the API as a file, thus no base64 encoding required.

Sample Request in Python

response =, files={"file": (filename, image_data)})
  • image_data: a bytes object

The API will then perform three operations:

  1. Save the received file into the /uploads and /own_results folders.
  2. Use the model to identify the image, save the results into the folders above.
  3. Return the class name as a json response.

Sample json response

  "image_id": "D",
  "obstacle_id": 1

Please note that the inference pipeline is different for Task 1 and Task 2, be sure to comment/uncomment the appropriate lines in before running the API.

3. POST Request to /stitch

This will trigger the stitch_image and stitch_image_own functions.

  • Images found in the run/ and own_results directory will be stitched together and saved separately, producing two stitched images. We have two functions for redundancy purposes. In case one fails, the other can still run.


I am not responsible for any errors, mishaps, or damages that may occur from using this code. Use at your own risk. This code is provided as-is, with no warranty of any kind.


I used Group 28's algorithm as a baseline, but improved it significantly. Edge cases that were previously not covered/handled are now handled.

Related Repositories


CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project (MDP) - Algorithm API






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