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CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project - Raspberry Pi


2024 August Update: Someone sent me the slides from the briefing of this semester, this repository, along with my other MDP-related ones, are entirely STILL reusable as far as I can see. SCSE can become CCDS but MDP is still MDP. As usual, retrain the YOLO model (or use something more recent la). Once again, that is a 1-day thing. If you are using these repositories and you don't have a functioning, fully-integrated system by end of Week 4, reconsider your life choices and your peer evaluations.

2023 Semester 1 Update: At least from what my juniors told me, this repository, along with my other MDP-related ones, are entirely reusuable. The only exception is that you will need to retrain the YOLO model since the fonts/colors were changed. That is a 1-day thing. If you are using these repositories and you don't have a functioning, fully-integrated system by end of Week 4, reconsider your life choices.

Y'all, if you are using this code, which apparently a LOT of y'all are, at least star this repo leh

This repository contains the code for the Raspberry Pi component of the CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project. The Raspberry Pi is responsible for the following:

  • Communicating with the Android app via Bluetooth
  • Communicating with the Algorithm API via HTTP requests
  • Communicating with the STM32 microcontroller via serial
  • Capturing images and sending them to the algorithm API

Calibration GUI

Communication Protocls

Android Communication Protocol

General Format

Messages between the Android app and Raspberry Pi will be in the following format:

{"cat": "xxx", "value": "xxx"}

The cat (for category) field with the following possible values:

  • info: general messages
  • error: error messages, usually in response of an invalid action
  • location: the current location of the robot (in Path mode)
  • image-rec: image recognition results
  • status: status updates of the robot (running or finished)
  • obstacle: list of obstacles
  • control: movement-related, like starting the run

Info Messages

Possible info messages:

  • You are connected to the RPi! => Upon Android successfully connecting to the RPi
  • Robot is ready! => Once all the initial child processes are ready and running
  • You are reconnected! => Upon Android successfully reconnecting to the RPi
  • Starting robot on path! => Upon Android sending the start command to the RPi
  • Commands queue finished! => Upon the RPi finishing executing all the commands in the queue
  • Capturing image for obstacle id: {obstacle_id} => Upon the RPi capturing an image for a particular obstacle
  • Requesting path from algo... => Upon the RPi requesting the path from the algorithm
  • Commands and path received Algo API. Robot is ready to move. => Upon the RPi receiving the commands and path from the algorithm
  • Images stitched! => Upon the RPi successfully stitching the images

Error Messages

Possible error messages:

  • API is down, start command aborted. => If the API is down, the robot will not start moving
  • Command queue is empty, did you set obstacles? => If the command queue is empty, the robot will not start moving
  • Something went wrong when requesting stitch from the API. => Upon the RPi failing to request the stitched image from the algorithm
  • Something went wrong when requesting path from Algo API. => Upon the RPi failing to request the path from the algorithm

Status Messages

Possible status messages:

  • running => When the robot is running
  • finished => When the robot has finished running

Obstacle Format

The message sent from Android to Raspberry Pi will be in the following format for obstacles:

"cat": "obstacles",
"value": {
    "obstacles": [{"x": 5, "y": 10, "id": 1, "d": 2}],
    "mode": "0"

Start Movement

Android will send the following message to Raspberry Pi to start the movement of the robot (assuming obstacles were set).

{"cat": "control", "value": "start"}

If there are no commands in the queue, the RPi will respond with an error:

{"cat": "error", "value": "Command queue is empty, did you set obstacles?"}

Image Recognition

Raspberry Pi will send the following message to Android, so that Android can update the results of the image recognition:

{"cat": "image-rec", "value": {"image_id": "A", "obstacle_id":  "1"}}

Location Updates

Raspberry Pi will periodically notify Android with the updated location of the robot.

{"cat": "location", "value": {"x": 1, "y": 1, "d": 0}}

where x, y is the location of the robot, and d is its direction.

Movement Command Protocol

The following are the possible commands related to movement. The commands will come from either the algorithm or Raspberry Pi, to be execued or passed along by the Raspberry Pi to STM32. For example, commands like SNAP and FIN are for Raspberry Pi to execute, while commands like FWxx are for Raspberry Pi to pass along to STM32.

Task 1 Commands

RS00 - Gyro Reset - Reset the gyro before starting movement FWxx - Forward - Robot moves forward by xx units FR00 - Forward Right - Robot moves forward right by 3x1 squares FL00 - Forward Left - Robot moves forward left by 3x1 squares BWxx - Backward - Robot moves backward by xx units BR00 - Backward Right - Robot moves backward right by 3x1 squares BL00 - Backward Left - Robot moves backward left by 3x1 squares

Task 2 Commands

OB01 - Small Obstacle - Robot moves from starting position to obstacle and stops UL00 - Go Around Left for Small Obstacle - Robot moves around obstacle to the left UR00 - Go Around Right for Small Obstacle- Robot moves around obstacle to the right PL01 - Go Around Left for Large Obstacle - Robot moves around obstacle to the left PR01 - Go Around Right for Large Obstacle - Robot moves around obstacle to the right

Misc Commands

STOP - Stop - Robot stops moving SNAP - Snap - Robot takes a picture and sends it for inference FIN - Finish - Robot stops moving and sends a message to the server to signal end of command queue

Acknowledgement from STM32

ACK - Acknowledgement - Robot sends this message to acknowledge receipt and execution of a command

Camera Calibration

Instead of using PiCamera which does not allow for finetuned calibration, I used LibCamera which allows for more control over the camera. I used the GUI from the following repository to calibrate the camera: Pi_LibCamera_GUI Calibration GUI Please follow the instructions there to calibrate the camera. I created different calibration config files for different scenarios such as indoors, outdoors, and harsh sunlight. As calibration will be different for each camera hardware, I did not include the config files in this repository.

Since LibCamera is used to calibrate the camera, it is also used to capture the images with the given configuration file.


  1. Follow the guide provided on NTULearn first, to set up the Raspberry Pi properly. This includes turning it into a wireless access point, communicating with the STM32, and Android tablet. Make sure all connections with all the necessary components are working properly.

  2. Run either or depending on which task you are doing.


I am not responsible for any errors, mishaps, or damages that may occur from using this code. Use at your own risk.


I used Group 28's code as a boilerplate/baseline, but improved it and changed the workflow significantly. The communication has been slightly altered, but still largely follows the original design. Pi_LibCamera_GUI was used to calibrate the camera. The following are the links to their repositories:

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CZ3004/SC2079 Multidisciplinary Project (MDP) - Raspberry Pi






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