Releases: pyhoneybot/honeybot
Releases · pyhoneybot/honeybot
What's Changed
- Fixed #195 issue by @OussamaERrafif in #202
- Anime Plugin Pull request by @cdkontos in #206
- chore: remove aviyel from readme by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #207
- chore: remove legacy settings files by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #211
- chore: remove unaccessed function from botcore file by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #212
- docs: update settings info by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #213
- bump: 6.1.1 by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #214
- Create python-publish.yml by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #215
New Contributors
- @OussamaERrafif made their first contribution in #202
- @cdkontos made their first contribution in #206
Full Changelog: v6.1.0...6.1.1
What's Changed
- bump: 6.0.2 by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #174
- added emoji plugin by @deadex-ng in #167
- Dockerfile adjustments by @paulosgf in #175
- Dockerfile adjusts: by @paulosgf in #178
- add-emoji-api by @deadex-ng in #176
- Readme fix by @deadex-ng in #179
- Added: Birthday paradox plugin by @paulosgf in #181
- Codebase lint for migrate all CI to pre-commit by @paulosgf in #188
- Update build.yml by @paulosgf in #189
- Adding the new plugin: basketball by @kefthymic in #187
- New feature IMDb by @ZoeyKats in #191
- Changed RST doc files: by @paulosgf in #194
- improved structure and readability of by @AnastasiosZyngiridis in #196
- fix pr 196 by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #197
- chore: improve output messages by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #198
- feat: use toml by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #199
- Update by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #200
New Contributors
- @deadex-ng made their first contribution in #167
- @kefthymic made their first contribution in #187
- @ZoeyKats made their first contribution in #191
- @AnastasiosZyngiridis made their first contribution in #196
Full Changelog: v6.0.2...v6.1.0
- Add publish command to setup
- fix docker
- init maintainance
What's Changed
- Docker by @SlavWolf in #5
- for Quotes by @0xDivyanshu in #10
- added dadjoke plugin by @moffetma in #9
- created file to run the bot by @ChristianSchneeweiss in #16
- Creates file to start the bot instead of doing it in by @TomLisankie in #15
- added cofigparser by @sridk in #18
- Comments added by @milliemcq in #19
- New Secure Password Generator Command by @WillBurnham in #22
- bookofday plugin by @stschoberg in #23
- added repostats plugin by @shreyanshrs44 in #24
- Add Python News plugin (.pynews) by @SDeans0 in #28
- Add pynews to PLUGINS.conf by @SDeans0 in #29
- Plugin manager by @SiddAneja in #31
- Added Sphinx and Docstrings in by @Zernerus in #32
- Added use of math funcs to calc by @Zernerus in #34
- added new plugin idea in to do by @waliidd in #35
- added proverb plugin by @SK9712 in #37
- Added logo and structured main module docs by @Zernerus in #38
- update doc string in set_nick_command by @ujjaldas89 in #40
- added country-capital-plugin by @beldcode in #41
- Branch one by @ujjaldas89 in #42
- Added string formatting in by @aliereno in #45
- Todo Task plugin is added. by @h-ranjan1110 in #46
- formatted the forgotten string by @amanzholov8 in #47
- Change if else statement by @amanzholov8 in #48
- added absent plugins to PLUGINS.conf and sorted alphabetically by @amanzholov8 in #49
- Pypi plugin by @de-Blaxe in #51
- Finally added in my testemonial by @Macr0Nerd in #52
- fixed Revolution IRC link in by @kmcg83 in #53
- Added Magic 8 Ball plugin by @ZakariaTalhami in #54
- Added .travis.yml by @Zernerus in #55
- Cointoss by @artorias111 in #57
- Added Random color message plugin by @jeettrivedi in #58
- added on this day plugin by @kennethgargan in #59
- Monero by @eigenbrot in #60
- Update by @mmssr in #62
- Add telephone code for all the countries by @dubesar in #65
- PR for by @Tuanthai4444 in #66
- Changes to random_colour plugin by @ptjung in #67
- 3 new plugins by @AngeloGiacco in #70
- Added System Information Plugin by @GirishMahabir in #71
- Fixed plugin import error by @Amarettini in #72
- Bump httplib2 from 0.13.1 to 0.18.0 by @dependabot in #73
- Capitalise letters at the start of a new sentence. by @cheriesyb in #74
- Fix Issue #81: Docstring to - calc by @OBITORASU in #83
- Docstring moved to by @KevinBanana in #84
- Add docstring as for blackjack, age, and bitcoin by @KevinBanana in #85
- Update by @KevinBanana in #86
- 5 facts added by @ria-19 in #89
- Update by @iqballerr in #88
- Update by @hailenwashere in #90
- Add facts by @Andrea-Pasini in #92
- Add facts by @Andrea-Pasini in #94
- Add last four facts to fact/ by @BusyDoingNothing in #95
- Fixed style by @Andrea-Pasini in #96
- Fixed error by @Andrea-Pasini in #97
- Fix #61 by @paulosgf in #102
- Fixing Sphinx setup and some RST files by @paulosgf in #105
- Update #3 by @paulosgf in #108
- Enhancement #3 by @paulosgf in #110
- Enhancement #3 by @paulosgf in #111
- Update #3 by @paulosgf in #112
- Update #3 by @paulosgf in #113
- Update bandit with plugins check by @paulosgf in #114
- Update #3 by @paulosgf in #115
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #116
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #117
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #118
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #119
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #120
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #121
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #122
- Flight by @paulosgf in #123
- Fix #3 by @paulosgf in #124
- fix typo by @paulosgf in #125
- Clean up
by @MrTanoshii in #126 - Py3.10 compatibility by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #130
- Modular plugins by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #131
- Fix lint error messages on core api by @paulosgf in #132
- Apply CI to all branches except
by @MrTanoshii in #133 - Refactor GitHub issue templates by @MrTanoshii in #135
- Refactor GitHub PR template by @MrTanoshii in #136
- Refactoring - Changing lint style from flake8 to black: by @paulosgf in #138
- Refactoring - Sorting imports with isort by @paulosgf in #139
- 🐛 Fix failing Scorecard action by @azeemshaikh38 in #140
- Refactoring - Sorting imports with isort and linting with black by @paulosgf in #141
- Change: Move CI/CD tools configurations to pyproject.toml by @paulosgf in #142
- Add: Pre-commit validation \ formatting before new PRs by @paulosgf in #143
- Documentation - update the contributing guide - Sync *.rst files on m… by @paulosgf in #148
- Added support for duckduckgo search. by @rakeshseal0 in #151
- Added random image plugin. by @rakeshseal0 in #154
- Added new plugin for random excuses. by @rakeshseal0 in #155
- added new plugin url-shortener. by @rakeshseal0 in #157
- Fix: Some plugins had wrong run signature by @ogabrielluiz in #161
- Format new plugins to comply black rules: by @paulosgf in #162
- Create assets dir & move logos by @akankshasainics in #163
- Revisit GitHub
action and add documentation by @MrTanoshii in #158 - chore(actions): Update checkout version by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #164
- chore: remove html folder by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #165
- chore: dummy pr by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #169
- fix: fuzz by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #170
- Create dependabot.yml by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in #166
- Chore/maintain by @Abdur-rahmaanJ in