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Configuration file

Florian Stallmann edited this page May 11, 2020 · 5 revisions

This is an overview of the configuration possibilities in the config.txt file. If the key does not exist, you can simply create it on your own by adding a line key = value, e.g. ppt_hide_format_tab = True. All key-value pairs must be below the BKT-section.

IronPython setup, debugging and logging

Key Possible values & Default Explanation
ironpython_root {INSTALLDIR}\bin Ipy binaries, automatically set during install
ipy_addin_path {INSTALLDIR} Addin base folder, automatically set during install
ipy_addin_module bkt.bootstrap Addin base module, automatically set during install
log_level CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG Minimum level for logging.
log_write_file True, False Write to log file bkt-debug.log and bkt-debug-py.log on/off.
log_show_msgbox True, False Show log entries as message box.
show_exception True, False Show critical errors as message box.

AddIn configuration

Key Possible values & Default Explanation
async_startup True, False Asynchronous start-up: Load of UI is delayed, thereby reducing PowerPoint start time. [BETA]
task_panes True, False Task Panes (Sidebar) on/off. [BETA]
use_keymouse_hooks True, False Use mouse and keyboard events, e.g. for Contextdialogs.
enable_legacy_syntax True, False Aktiviere veraltete Syntax mit Annotations, bspw. für Feature dev_christoph sowie Testmodule.
updates_auto_check_frequency fridays-only, weekly, monthly, never Frequency to automatically check for new versions

Personalization of paths

Key Possible values & Default Explanation
local_fav_path ~\Documents\BKT-Favoriten\ Path for storing BKT favorites, e.g. Custom Formats, QuickEdit, ChartLib.
local_cache_path {INSTALLDIR}\resources\cache\ Path for storing cache files.
local_settings_path {INSTALLDIR}\resources\settings\ Path for storing settings database files.

App-specific configuration

Key Possible values & Default Explanation
ppt_use_contextdialogs True, False PowerPoint-Contextdialogs on/off.
ppt_hide_format_tab True, False Show/Hide PowerPoint format tab to avoid switching to this tab when new shape is created.
ppt_activate_tab_on_new_shape True, False Switch to first BKT tab when new shape is created to avoid switching to format tab. [BETA]
excel_ignore_warnings True, False Do not show undo warning in when using BKT features in Excel.

The following variables are used in the overview but cannot be used in the config.txt file:

The user directory; typically C:\Users\USERNAME
The BKT installation directory; typically ~\AppData\Local\BKT-Toolbox