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Evgeniy Antonov edited this page Jul 23, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the box_finder wiki!


The box_finder package contains three node: automapping, exploration_server and move_to_table. The first two of them working in conjunction allow a mobile robot to create a map of unknown environment. Move_to_table node finds a rectangular box with specified sizes on the map obtained from map_server and sends a mobile robot to come to specified pose near it.

More information about the work of these nodes can be found in Automapping and Move to table pages of this wiki. Lists of their params, required topics and etc in's style are available at Nodes summary.


Automapping and exploration_server nodes are launched with automapping.launch, move_to_table - with move_to_table.launch. Сonsequentially these files are launched with

Some extra information about running package software is given at Launch wiki page.

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