This is version 1.2.0 of the Research Software Directory as a service. It contains several UI improvements, bug fixes and new features. For the new meta_pages the database is extended with additional table. For the filtering on keywords a number of existing functions (rpc's) are extended. Therefore this version of rsd database image (v1.2.0) is not compatible with the previous rsd version (v.1.1.x). If you have data in the previous version of RSD (v1.1.x) you would need to run the database migration script.
This version is production ready. If you starting a new RSD instance (without historical data) you can use docker-compose.yml provided in the deployment.zip file. In the README.md we briefly explain how to setup RSD with provided docker-compose.yml. Enjoy!
Bug Fixes
- #405 use ror_id as primary key for dedup (5f9bae1)
- #421 sizing issue logo on organisation card (51d617b)
- #422 singular for day and month added (21b361e)
- add updated label to project card (4637890)
- added MIT license (5a247da)
- adding funding organisation to project (300db96)
- correct typo in 'Login failed' message (0f53375)
- edit team member role help text corrected (164055d)
- keyword chip layout when multiple chips selected (d307c90)
- add drag and drop to markdown page list (ad66900)
- add keywords filter to software (e44561d)
- add keywords filter to projects (5035c90)
- add support for line breaks in markdown (2740594)
- add support for website tracking via Matomo (c8c1da1)
- meta pages section for rsd_admin (e4fc850)
- order project cards by starting/runing state with the newest projects first and then alphabetically on title. (5035c90)
- update CITATION.cff (1bf6e4b), closes #203