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ghoulslash edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 9 revisions

List of Maintainers

  • UltimaSoul
  • ghoulslash
  • DizzyEggg
  • AsparagusEduardo
  • ExpoSeed
  • Pyredrid
  • MandL127

List of Credits

  • DizzyEggg: creating the original Egg repos
  • ghoulslash: totem boosts, z-moves, move animations, terrains, several item effects, abilities, and move effects.
  • UltimaSoul: fixing some icon sprites, new items data, moving the repo
  • Lunos: battle strings, save file, item images and palettes, save file and getting the coordinates for gen1-gen4 mons, majority of items data and pics
  • ShantyTown: move animations
  • mvit: ability pop up and mega evo gfx
  • Doesnt: berries gfx, pokeball particles
  • Cancer Fairy: coordinates, new animations, coding help, battle strings, more
  • MrDollSteak: Pokedex descriptions
  • Avara: item descriptions
  • Kurausukun: testing, small edits and fixes
  • TheLaw: move animations
  • BreadCrumbs: code review
  • Syreldar: testing, wrote an explanation post
  • Pyredrid: automating issue creation, code review and testing
  • MandL27: code review and testing, contributing features

Resources Used