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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jul 2, 2018 · 1 revision

Returns an existing chat corresponding to a known basic group.

createBasicGroupChat(basic_group_id, force, callback, data)
Field Type Description
basic_group_id int32 Basic group identifier.
force Bool If true, the chat will be created without network request. In this case all information about the chat except its type, title and photo can be incorrect.


  • Get an existing chat corresponding to basic group 304399724.

    createBasicGroupChat(304399724, 0)


      ["@type"] = "chat",
      client_data = "",
      id = -304399724,
      is_pinned = false,
      last_message = {
        ["@type"] = "message",
        author_signature = "",
        can_be_deleted_for_all_users = true,
        can_be_deleted_only_for_self = true,
        can_be_edited = false,
        can_be_forwarded = true,
        chat_id = -304399724,
        contains_unread_mention = false,
        content = {
          ["@type"] = "messageText",
          text = {
            ["@type"] = "formattedText",
            entities = {},
            text = "wekjfugqewiu"
        date = 1518317668,
        edit_date = 0,
        id = 303038464,
        is_channel_post = false,
        is_outgoing = false,
        media_album_id = "0",
        reply_to_message_id = 0,
        sender_user_id = 133780085,
        ttl = 0,
        ttl_expires_in = 0,
        via_bot_user_id = 0,
        views = 0
      last_read_inbox_message_id = 295698432,
      last_read_outbox_message_id = 296747008,
      notification_settings = {
        ["@type"] = "notificationSettings",
        mute_for = 0,
        show_preview = true,
        sound = "default"
      order = "0",
      photo = {
        ["@type"] = "chatPhoto",
        big = {
          ["@type"] = "file",
          expected_size = 0,
          id = 37,
          ["local"] = {
            ["@type"] = "localFile",
            can_be_deleted = false,
            can_be_downloaded = true,
            downloaded_prefix_size = 0,
            downloaded_size = 0,
            is_downloading_active = false,
            is_downloading_completed = false,
            path = ""
          remote = {
            ["@type"] = "remoteFile",
            id = "AQADBQATJa_TMgAEn53OXSmJEAaKlgACAg",
            is_uploading_active = false,
            is_uploading_completed = true,
            uploaded_size = 0
          size = 0
        small = {
          ["@type"] = "file",
          expected_size = 0,
          id = 36,
          ["local"] = {
            ["@type"] = "localFile",
            can_be_deleted = false,
            can_be_downloaded = true,
            downloaded_prefix_size = 0,
            downloaded_size = 0,
            is_downloading_active = false,
            is_downloading_completed = false,
            path = ""
          remote = {
            ["@type"] = "remoteFile",
            id = "AQADBQATJa_TMgAEAizFMx5F1WSIlgACAg",
            is_uploading_active = false,
            is_uploading_completed = true,
            uploaded_size = 0
          size = 0
      reply_markup_message_id = 0,
      title = "tas tes tis tus",
      type = {
        ["@type"] = "chatTypeBasicGroup",
        basic_group_id = 304399724
      unread_count = 1,
      unread_mention_count = 0

Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions

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