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Sahri Riza Umami edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 5 revisions

Reports a chat to the Telegram moderators.
Supported only for supergroups, channels, or private chats with bots, since other chats can't be checked by moderators.

reportChat(chat_id, reason, text, message_ids, callback, data)
Field Type Description
chat_id int53 Chat identifier.
reason string The reason for reporting the chat; Spam, Violence, Pornography and Custom.
text string Report text.
message_ids vector Identifiers of reported messages, if any.


  • Report message id 212 in chat 1234567890 for spam.

    reportChat(1234567890, 'Spam', 'Spamming', '{[0]=212}')


      ["@type"] = "ok"

Frequently Asked Questions
The Functions

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