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How to be a maintainer

compwron edited this page Dec 2, 2022 · 12 revisions

Theory of maintainership:

Someone always has the keys to the kingdom. Sometimes it is us. Being a maintainer is a position of trust and requires good judgement moreso even than skill

Steps to ask to become a maintainer:

  1. Contribute to CASA via making PRs and/or opening issues and/or helping in slack
  2. Post somewhere (usually in slack, but possibly also in a PR or github issue comment) "Hey, I might be interested in being a maintainer"
  3. A conversation ensues. Ask questions!

Steps to be made a maintainer:

  1. A current maintainer pings Sean & team in private slack channel #casa-team-leads stating that they plan to make the new person into a maintainer
  2. A current maintainer sets you up with permissions:
    • deploy permissions (heroku for now, cloud66 soon)
    • github admin permissions
    • slack #casa-team-leads channel invite
    • get an official email
    • 1password access for bugsnag and (what's the thing that's not named sentry that detects n+1 slowness... it's orange...)

Tasks that maintainers split up among themselves:

  1. deploy weekly
  2. Review and merge PRs
  3. Answer questions in slack
  4. Help out with urgent code changes as needed
  5. Talk to stakeholders at the weekly meeting
  6. Make github issues of stakeholder asks

Who are the current maintainers?'s-who%3F

Right now, people who sign up to be "team leads" for Ruby for Good conference are automatically accepted as "maintainers"

How to stop being a maintainer: Either say to a current maintainer that you'd like to stop, or slowly fade awayyyy

Please ask questions! You can find us in #casa on rubyforgood slack