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heroku row limit exceeded

Shen Yang edited this page Jun 26, 2024 · 6 revisions


This happens if we have too many rows in our test database. You would have gotten an email (if you have heroku access)

These are the steps to reseed QA:

  1. heroku pg:reset --confirm casa-qa --app casa-qa
  2. heroku run rails db:migrate --app casa-qa
  3. heroku run rails db:seed --app casa-qa

If we need to upgrade the database to allow more rows, do something like this:

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-basic --app casa-production
heroku maintenance:on --app casa-production
heroku pg:copy DATABASE_URL HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ROSE_URL --app casa-production
heroku pg:promote HEROKU_POSTGRESQL_ROSE --app casa-production
heroku maintenance:off --app casa-production