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brett hartshorn edited this page Sep 19, 2015 · 2 revisions


After git cloning this repo, try, you just need Python2 and g++ installed. The command below will save the compiled exe to your temp folder and run it.

cd Rusthon
./ ./examples/


The option --tar can be used to save the source code of the translated code, javascripts and python scripts inside the markdown, and compiled exes.

./ --tar project.tar

ASM Example

Rusthon supports GCC inline assembly using the C++ backend. This allows you to fully optimize CPU performance, and code directly for bare metal.

Assembly code is given inside a with asm(...): indented block. The syntax is:

with asm( outputs=R, inputs=(...), volatile=True/False, clobber=('cc', 'memory', ...) ):
	movl %1 %%ebx;

The with asm options follow GCC's extended ASM syntax.

Rusthon input

def test_single_input( a : int ) -> int:
	b = 0
	with asm( outputs=b, inputs=a, volatile=True, clobber='%ebx', alignstack=True ):
		movl %1, %%ebx;
		movl %%ebx, %0;
	return b

def test_multi_input( a : int, b : int ) -> int:
	out = 0
	with asm( outputs=out, inputs=(a,b), volatile=True, clobber=('%ebx','memory') ):
		movl %1, %%ebx;
		addl %2, %%ebx;
		movl %%ebx, %0;
	return out

def main():
	x = test_single_input(999)
	print x  ## prints 999
	y = test_multi_input(400, 20)
	print y  ## prints 420

C++ output

int test_single_input(int a) {

	auto   b = 0;
	asm volatile ( "movl %1, %%ebx;movl %%ebx, %0;" : "=r" (b) : "r" (a) : "%ebx" );
	return b;
int test_multi_input(int a, int b) {

	auto   out = 0;
	asm volatile ( "movl %1, %%ebx;addl %2, %%ebx;movl %%ebx, %0;" : "=r" (out) : "r" (a),"r" (b) : "%ebx","memory" );
	return out;
int main() {

	auto   x = test_single_input(999);
	std::cout << x << std::endl;
	auto   y = test_multi_input(400, 20);
	std::cout << y << std::endl;
	return 0;


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