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Frequently Asked Questions

Xiang edited this page May 31, 2024 · 34 revisions


Q: Some anti-virus detected potential malware in build files, are the files safe to use?

All build files currently available from Releases page were remotely built from source code using automated github actions, which the entire build > upload > release process is fully automated and there is no intervention. Additional SHA256 hash sum for each build file was also generated during the build process and included in release notes. Workflow configuration code is in .github/workflows directory in repository, and build log can be viewed from Workflows in Actions page. As long as the build files are downloaded from Releases page with matching SHA256 hash sum, those files are clean and safe to use.

Alternatively, for those still hold doubts and worried about false positive reports, see Run from source or Build executable for windows for instructions on how to run or build the app from source code.

Q: Can TinyPedal crash game or cause game to malfunction?

No, TinyPedal cannot crash game or cause game to malfunction. TinyPedal only accesses (reads) shared memory data that output by shared memory plugin. TinyPedal does not directly interact with game.

It works as following:

[Game API] <---> [Shared memory plugin] ---> [Shared memory] <--- [TinyPedal]

  1. By enabling Shared memory plugin in game, game API sends data to Shared memory plugin.
  2. Shared memory plugin gets data from game API, then outputs API data into Shared memory blocks.
  3. TinyPedal reads data from Shared memory blocks, then displays data on screen.

Q: How to capture overlay in OBS stream?

For windows platform, currently it is only possible to capture overlay by using Display Capture to capture entire screen in OBS.

For Linux platform, may need to turn off Enable Bypass Window Manager option from main menu -> Compatibility dialog.

Q: How to display overlay in VR?

TinyPedal does not natively support displaying overlay in VR.

However there are some VR programs capable of projecting application windows into VR. One of the known program is CrewChief.

Q: Track map is not shown in Track map Widget or Navigation Widget?

Game does not provide track map data. Map data has to be recorded from player's driving route, which requires at least one complete & valid lap to be done first in order to generate map. And map recording function is handled by Mapping Module, make sure it is enabled.

rFactor 2 & Le Mans Ultimate

Q: How to reduce FPS stuttering in game while using Windowed or Borderless mode?

A common issue for using Windowed or Borderless mode is that frame rate would become unstable or stuttering. Here are a few tips that could help improve smoothness:

  • Turn on and set maximum frame rate in graphics card control panel. Limiting maximum frame rate is usually the most effective way to stabilize FPS. All you need is to set maximum frame rate value slightly higher than your current monitor refresh rate. For example, if your monitor refresh rate is 60hz, then set maximum frame rate to 70 would be enough.
  • Turn off Fullscreen Optimizations from game's executable file under windows 10 or 11.
  • Reduce Post Effects setting in game.

Q: Overlay does not appear while on track?

  1. Make sure The Iron Wolf’s rF2 Shared Memory Map Plugin is installed. See Requirements section for details.
  2. Make sure the plugin is enabled in game.
    For rFactor 2, in game Settings -> Gameplay page, find Plugins section and toggle on rFactor2SharedMemoryMapPlugin64.dll.
    For Le Mans Ultimate, user may have to manually enable plugin by editing CustomPluginVariables.JSON file (set " Enabled" value to 1 ) under Le Mans Ultimate\UserData\player folder. After plugin enabled, must restart game to take effect.
  3. Make sure Spectate mode is disabled in TinyPedal main config window Spectate tab.

Q: Why some telemetry data is not displayed (or returns 0) for some vehicle mods?

Some vehicle mods have certain telemetry data output disabled in mod file, which the data is not accessible from game API, hence it is not possible to display the data.

Q: Why Damage Widget cannot show detached Front/Rear Wings or other loose parts?

RF2 API only provides a generic detached-parts detection boolean value, which returns True if any parts were detached. It cannot tell which parts were lost. So in order to avoid confusion, detached parts display is not provided.

Q: Why Damage Widget sometimes show slightly different damage status than in-game HUD?

This is normal behavior, the damage values reported by RF2 API are not 100% same as in-game HUD, which they sometimes report slightly different readings.