Repository to operate PX4 based hexacopter using as externel refernce Position from Optitrack
- Motive
- ROS melodic
- Mavros
- Vrpn client
- PX4 device
This project consider that PX4 is correctly seted up followring the next links.
It considers that Motive is calibrated and computers are on the me network with differents IP addresses.
On Motive:
- Creates a Rigid Body on motive and name it (this name will be used).
- Stream the position over VRPN using the up axis as Y.
# Clone this workspace on ROS
git clone
install mavros and vrpn
sudo apt install ros-melodic-mavros ros-melodic-mavros-extras
sudo apt install ros-melodic-vrpn-client-ros
On the file /src/conversion_coordinates/scripts/
found the line sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber("/vrpn_client_node/arana/pose", PoseStamped, self.pose_mocap_callback)
and replace the name arana
with the name of your rigid body.
Build workspace with
Add the setup.bash file to .bashrc. Open with gedit .bashrc using in home route
gedit .bashrc
and add the line
source ~/quadcoter_ws/devel/setup.bash
To launch, first make sure you have connected the pixhawk via USB, and is connected as /dev/ttyACM0
Secondly, type the next line and replace the ip, with the ip adress of the Motive computer that is stremming over VRPN.
roslaunch control_drone launch_vrpn.launch server:=
After this command everthing is ready to do position control fight mode using optitrack
To Test run the script:
rosrun control_drone control_drone_node
To run this script the drone should be put first in postion mode, and the program will put PX4 on Offboard mode, this mode could be dangerous so preferently use a RC tranmitter to change the mode to Manual if is needed.