This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Display a table with details of developers
- Ability to create a new User
- Ability to Edit existing User
- Generate a Random list for the intervention with a designated speaker
- Generate an alphabetised list of speakers with a designated speaker
- Pagination for the table component
- Language: Typescript
- Frontend development Library: ReactJS 18
- State container: Redux, Redux Toolkit
- CSS: Tailwind CSS
- HTTP Client: Axios
- Backend development Library: Node.js
- ORM: Prisma
- Database: Postgres
- Web application framework: Express JS
Prerequisite | Link |
Git | 🔗 |
Node 16 | 🔗 |
Yarn | 🔗 |
MongoDB* | 🔗 |
Docker* | 🔗 |
*You can have postgres either installed in your system or running in docker
Install dependencies:
Clone this github repository:
cd Intervention-Randomizer-UI
npm install
yarn install
Run the frontend:
npm run start
yarn start
Install dependencies:
Clone the git repository:
cd Beyondplay-intervention-randomizer-api
npm install
yarn install
Run the backend
npm run serve
yarn serve
- If you have docker setup in your machine, you can follow the below steps to setup DB for the Application
Go to the API Project folder cloned in your local system
Build docker Image for Postgres:
docker build -t my-postgres-db ./ --no-cache
Check if image built:
docker images
$ docker images -a
my-postgres-db latest 38036a25ec7b 13 hours ago 379MB
Run the image as a container:
docker run -d --name my-postgresdb-container -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD={password} my-postgres-db
Make sure the beyond_play.sql file is present in the folder before running the container. This file creates the DB required for the application.
- If you have Postgres installed in your local system, create a Database called beyond_play and run the beyond_play.sql in postgres to create the DB and inject data.
In the .env file, add your Database URL:
If you're running in docker, the default username would be postgres unless specified otherwise
The UI can be accessed in http://localhost:3000
To run the test cases locally,
npm run test
And for the code coverage
npm run coverage
These are some functionalities, updates that are being implemented.
- E2E testing using Cypress
- Authentication/Authorisation
- Ability to search and find individual user