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Office hour notes: 2020.01.05

Captain Lyre Calliope edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Kenton Varda!
  • Ian Denhardt
  • Lyre Calliope
  • Jacob Weisz
  • Adam Bliss
  • Daniel Krol


  • Delegating documentation and website updates
  • Automation: github -> web site
  • Setting priorities, collaboration
  • Cron PR Status
  • Fundraising infrastructure logistics (Open Collective)


Docs website

  • Current situation: updates are pushed to a (Custom) Gitweb app and then pulled (manually) to a server running nginx
  • Publishing:
    • Kenton can push on weekends. Comfortable giving Jake ability to push.
    • Kenton's more worried about the home page vs the documentation.
  • Next steps:


  • Email thread
  • Helpful for casual contributors to have a list of priorities to pick from.
  • Updating the contributor documentation with info on priorities would be a great place to start here.
  • Issues had a short period of time where it was really well maintained. Everything anyone wants from Sandstorm is probably in there somewhere.
  • Let's clean it up! Focus on issues specifically related to current priorities?
  • Cron API is in motion
    • Tests?
  • Sandboxing
    • Kenton has some ideas here but we still have some things to figure out.
  • Sample apps would be helpful to augment documentation around powerbox, apis and such.
  • Writing samples vs simplifying flows, (oauth, powerbox,)


  • Kenton thinks staying out of the fundraising conversations because of the ambiguities of community fundraising vs fundraising as the Sandstorm LLC
  • Ideas like the Software Freedom Conservancy and Open Collective sidestep this concern because another legal entity collects and disperses the funds.
  • Ian will talk with someone from Inkscape to learn more about working with the Software Freedom Conservancy
  • Lyre will do more legwork around Open Collective.
  • Governance around how funds will be managed is a major issue to be discussed. Perhaps top of the next meeting.
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