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Disting EX I2C Messages

Dedicated teletype ops will use the following 4 addresses specifically reserved for the EX:

  • 0x41..0x44

Pitch and velocity parameters use 14 bit precision:

  • pitch range -16384..+16384 translates to 10 octaves range (-10V..+10V using 1V/Oct)
  • max velocity is 16384

Dual algorithms have their own commands - see the section below.


load preset
<address> 0x40 <preset number MSB> <preset number LSB>

save preset
<address> 0x41 <preset number MSB> <preset number LSB>

reset preset
<address> 0x42

get current preset
<address> 0x43 Returns 2 bytes.


load algorithm
<address> 0x44 <algorithm number>

get current algorithm
<address> 0x45

set i2c controller X to value Y
<address> 0x11 <controller number> <value MSB> <value LSB>

set parameter X to value Y (using the actual parameter value)
<address> 0x46 <parameter number> <value MSB> <value LSB>

set parameter X to value Y (using 0..16384 range, will be scaled to min..max by EX)
<address> 0x47 <parameter number> <value MSB> <value LSB>

get current parameter value
<address> 0x48 <parameter number>

get parameter min
<address> 0x49 <parameter number>

get parameter max
<address> 0x4A <parameter number>

WAV Recorder, start / stop recording
<address> 0x4B <0 - stop, 1 - start>

WAV Recorder, start / stop playback
<address> 0x4C <0 - stop, 1 - start>

Augustus Loop, set pitch
<address> 0x4D <pitch MSB> <pitch LSB>

Augustus Loop, send clock
<address> 0x4E

Looper, clear target loop
<address> 0x58

Looper, get current state
<address> 0x59 <loop index>
returns a byte. loop index is 0-based

the low nibble represents one of the following states:
0 - initial state
1 - recording
2 - recording extra material for crossfade
3 - playback
4 - overdub
5 - paused / muted
6 - fading out towards pause

bit 4 - reverse on/off
bit 5 - octave down on/off

MIDI / Select Bus

send MIDI message
<address> 0x4F <status> <optional data byte 0> <optional data byte 1>

send Select Bus message
<address> 0x50 <status> <optional data byte 0> <optional data byte 1>

Voice Control (for specified voice)

set voice pitch for the specified voice
<address> 0x51 <voice> <pitch MSB> <pitch LSB>

note on for the specified voice
<address> 0x52 <voice> <velocity MSB> <velocity LSB>

note off for the specified voice
<address> 0x53 <voice>

Voice Control (voice allocated by the disting)

commands that don't specify the channel will default to channel one if the channel is not set

set channel for note commands
<address> 0x6B <channel>

set voice pitch for note id
<address> 0x54 <note id> <pitch MSB> <pitch LSB>

set voice pitch for note id with channel
<address> 0x68 <channel> <note id> <pitch MSB> <pitch LSB>

note on for specified note id
<address> 0x55 <note id> <velocity MSB> <velocity LSB>

note on for specified note id with channel
<address> 0x69 <channel> <note id> <velocity MSB> <velocity LSB>

note off for specified note id
<address> 0x56 <note id>

note off for specified note id with channel
<address> 0x6A <channel> <note id>

all notes off
<address> 0x57

Dual Algorithms

<side / parameter index> is (side << 4) | parameter index

get current parameter value (returns 1 byte)
<address> 0x5A <side / parameter index>

get parameter min (returns 1 byte)
<address> 0x5B <side / parameter index>

get parameter max (returns 1 byte)
<address> 0x5C <side / parameter index>

set parameter X to value Y (using the actual parameter value)
<address> 0x5D <side / parameter index> <value>

set parameter X to value Y (using 0..16384 range, will be scaled to min..max by EX)
<address> 0x5E <side / parameter index> <value MSB> <value LSB>

get current algorithm - returns 1 byte
<address> 0x5F <side>

load algorithm
<address> 0x60 <side> <algorithm number>

get current algorithms (returns 2 bytes)
<address> 0x61

load algorithms
<address> 0x62 <algorithm number> <algorithm number>

load dual preset
<address> 0x63 <side> <preset>

save dual preset
<address> 0x64 <side> <preset>

take-over/release Z
<address> 0x65 <side> <value 0-127, else release>

read Z pots (returns 2x2 bytes, 15 bit results)
<address> 0x66