We're happy to announce the release of changelist 0.5!
- Allow multiple summaries per pull request (#53).
- Add newline after release title (#50).
- Use trusted publisher (#48).
- Ensure README is synched with code (#43).
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#51).
- Bump pre-commit from 3.4.0 to 3.5.0 (#52).
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#57).
- Bump pre-commit from 3.5.0 to 3.6.0 (#56).
- Bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 (#59).
- Use setup-python pip cache (#60).
- Add Python 3.12 support (#61).
5 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- @dependabot[bot]
- Brigitta Sipőcz (@bsipocz)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
4 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Brigitta Sipőcz (@bsipocz)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.
We're happy to announce the release of changelist 0.4!
- Add support for configuration files either via a remote
or a local TOML file given with the new option--config
. This file allows the configuration of templates, ways that changelist matches labels, finds summaries, as well as logins to ignore in the contributor section (#30).
- Add docstrings to
submodule (#44).
2 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
4 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Brigitta Sipőcz (@bsipocz)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.
We're happy to announce the release of changelist 0.3!
- Add newline before lists in contributor section (#40).
- Add newline after PR sections (#35).
- Update setuptools requirement (#37).
1 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
1 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.
We're happy to announce the release of changelist 0.2!
- Ensure label check runs on all PR push events / commits (#22).
- Remove newlines between pull request summaries and their links (#27).
- Format contributor section as lists (#28).
- Refactor into submodules (#20).
- Bump scientific-python/attach-next-milestone-action from f94a5235518d4d34911c41e19d780b8e79d42238 to bc07be829f693829263e57d5e8489f4e57d3d420 (#21).
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#31).
- Bump pre-commit from 3.3.3 to 3.4.0 (#32).
- Update README (#33).
5 authors added to this release (alphabetically):
- @dependabot[bot]
- Brigitta Sipőcz (@bsipocz)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
4 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically):
- Eric Larson (@larsoner)
- Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman)
- Lars Grüter (@lagru)
- Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv)
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.
We're happy to announce the release of changelist 0.1!
- Use label-check and attach-next-milestone-action (#1).
- Use pre-commit linter (#3).
- Use dependabot (#4).
- Specify label for dependabot PRs (#6).
- Bump pre-commit from 3.3 to 3.3.3 (#5).
- Fix example usage (#2).
- Document label and milestone actions (#7).
- Document release process (#11).
- Update README (#13).
4 authors added to this release (alphabetically): @dependabot[bot], Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman), Lars Grüter (@lagru), Stefan van der Walt (@stefanv),
1 reviewers added to this release (alphabetically): Jarrod Millman (@jarrodmillman),
These lists are automatically generated, and may not be complete or may contain duplicates.