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Mode Map None Base Items

scil edited this page Sep 19, 2018 · 4 revisions

All of Safety Checklist

Mode Map None Base Items

Objects here can boot on worker.If you boot some of them before any requests, this table is useful.

item Data Pollution note Memory Leak note config
auth 🖏 Dict, customCreators with same name should keep same
GateContract::class Dict afterCallbacks and beforeCallbacks can append
cookie(CookieJar) 🔧 Dict. LARAVELFLY_SERVICES['cookie']
Pagination 🖏 static props like currentPathResolver, ... in Pagination\AbstractPaginator should keep same.
hash 🔧 clone
view.finder Dict addNamespace offen called by loadViewsFrom of ServiceProviders such as PaginationServiceProvider.
translator 🖏 Dict.
1. fallback should keep same.
2. [1]
translation.loader 🖏 Dict.
1. path should keep same.
2. jsonPaths. [1].
if (!\in_array($path, $this->jsonPaths, true)) LARAVELFLY_SERVICES['translator']

[1]:same key should always be found in the same file, this consistent requirement is like LARAVELFLY_SERVICES['view.finder']