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scil edited this page Nov 9, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • Illuminate\Database\

    • Eloquent\Concerns\
      • GuardsAttributes
        • $unguarded
    • Eloquent\Relations
      • Relations
        • $constraints 🐶 . It's changed in only method noConstraints(), and no coroutine jump in the execute process of this method.
        • $morphMap . An array to map class names to their morph names in database.
      • BelongsToMany/HasOneOrMany/HasManyThrough/BelongsTo
        • $selfJoinCount
  • Illuminate\View\Concerns\

    • ManagesLayouts
      • $parentPlaceholder
  • Illuminate\Routing\

    • Route
      • $validators
  • Illuminate\Pagination\

    • AbstractPaginator
      • currentPathResolver, currentPageResolver, viewFactoryResolver, defaultView, defaultSimpleView