Awesome New Stuff
4K Requests are here!
Finally, the 4K server checkbox in the Radarr/Sonarr config does something! Get started by setting up at least one 4K Radarr/Sonarr server. If you don't have any default 4K Radarr servers, you cannot make 4K movie requests. The same goes for Sonarr!
Users will also need the "Request 4K" permission. (You can grant this permission for only movies or series)
Advanced Requests
One of the most highly requested features is now available in this release! Users with the "Advanced Requests" permission will be able to select Radarr/Sonarr servers, profiles, and root folders per request.
Request Editing
Hand in hand with the advanced requests feature, you can now edit requests before approving them. Someone requesting every season of the Simpsons? Maybe adjust which seasons are selected before you hit approve. You can also change the destination server/profile/folder. You can edit requests from the manage movie/series slide-over or the Request list page.
HAMA Support added to the Plex scanner (Anime!)
If you are one of the people that use HAMA for your Plex anime library, we can now correctly scan and detect available shows/movies in those libraries! Thanks, @mmozeiko!
Local Users Initial Support
This update also includes basic support for local users! If you have home users without plex accounts, they can now use Overseerr too! You can create a local account from the User list.
As of right now, there is no way to change a local account's display name or password after they are created. These features will come in one of the next updates. (Along with a ton of other improvements relating to users)
Thanks to @ankarhem for this!
Webhook Notifications
Another notification agent ready for service! We added webhooks with custom JSON payloads in this update. You can design the payload in any way you like using a built-in editor. Template variables are available to display the content how you want. Further updates will also improve this over time, and we will add a lot more template variables in the future!
Other New Things
- Added Chinese (Traditional) language (Thanks @TheCatLady)
- Added a new notification type for declined requests
- Added a "See More" card at the end of sliders to quickly jump to the full view of content
Big Bug Fixin'
- Improved Rotten Tomatoes matching. It's still best effort, but at least "Soul" matches correctly!
- Clarified which fields are required in the Radarr/Sonarr modals
- Fix showing "failed" for declined requests in the Request list
- Fixed duplicate series notifications from being sent
- Improved the Plex scanner, so it doesn't get stuck as often.
- Recently Added on the discover page will now show content based on when it was added to Plex, instead of when it was added to Overseerr.
1.17.0 (2021-01-19)
Bug Fixes
- api: improve rottentomatoes rating matching for movies (7db62ab), closes #494
- build: remove cross import from client to server for UserType (23624bd)
- frontend: clarify which fields are required in radarr/sonarr modals (860d71e), closes #575
- frontend: do not show failed media status on request list for declined requests (00944b1), closes #664
- frontend: fix button styling on details page on small screen sizes (d9e0c90)
- frontend: fix request button height (a262727)
- frontend: request dropdown menu now properly shows up over collection button (b491be1)
- frontend: show correct request status on request cards for 4k requests (1aa0005)
- lang: add missing see more i18n string for SeeMoreCard (d9919ab)
- lang: change email auth user/pass strings to SMTP Username/Password (a77a2aa)
- notifications: correctly compare seasons before sending series notifications (f17fa2a)
- notifications: only send one available notification for standard media (fc6f7cc)
- notifications: send media declined email (eb6fc8a), closes #679
- plex-sync: improve plex sync error handling. add session id to fix stuck runs (a740b07)
- plex-sync: store plex added date and sort recently added by it (d688a96)
- requests: select the correct radarr/sonarr server when sending request to service (e0d9f89)
- server: support absolute paths for CONFIG_DIRECTORY (51d8fba)
- user edit: fix user edit not being able to be saved (#651) (b04d00e)
- api: /request/count endpoint (#682) (192cfd8)
- frontend: add see more card to media sliders (587e8db)
- frontend: add template variable help button to custom webhook settings page (29c5bc4)
- lang: add support for Chinese (Traditional) language (686c4f7)
- lang: Translations update from Weblate (#604) (801e765)
- login: add local users functionality (#591) (492e19d)
- notifications: add notification for declined requests (2f97f61), closes #663
- notifications: Webhook Notifications (#632) (a7cc7c5)
- requests: Request Overrides & Request Editing (#653) (bdb3372)
- server: add CONFIG_DIRECTORY env var to control config directory location (fa8f112)
- 4K Requests (#559) (6b2df24)
- map AniDB IDs from Hama agent to tvdb/tmdb/imdb IDs (#538) (0600ac7), closes #453
- deps: revert back to next@10.0.3 until sharp optional dependency bug is fixed (7962964)