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[#170] Reorganize top-level config keys
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Problem: At the moment, the config yaml is organized in 3 top-level
keys: `traversal`, `verification` and `scanners`. However, the distinction
between the "traversal" and the "verification" stages is not relevant
to the user. This is entirely an internal concern.

Solution: Reorganize yaml config options under `exclusions`, `networking`
and `scanners`.
  • Loading branch information
Sereja313 committed Sep 27, 2022
1 parent 24ea5a9 commit 6e4891e
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Showing 22 changed files with 194 additions and 170 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Unreleased
* [#145](
+ Add check that there is no unknown fields in config.
* [#175](
+ Reorganize top-level config keys.

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ftp-tests/Test/Xrefcheck/FtpLinks.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ import Test.Tasty (TestTree, askOption, testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertBool, assertFailure, testCase, (@?=))
import Test.Tasty.Options as Tasty (IsOption (..), OptionDescription (Option), safeRead)

import Xrefcheck.Config (Config' (cVerification), VerifyConfig, VerifyConfig' (vcIgnoreRefs), defConfig)
import Xrefcheck.Config (Config' (..), NetworkingConfig, NetworkingConfig' (..), defConfig)
import Xrefcheck.Core (Flavor (GitHub))
import Xrefcheck.Verify
(VerifyError (..), VerifyResult (VerifyResult), checkExternalResource, verifyErrors)
Expand All @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ instance IsOption FtpHostOpt where

config :: VerifyConfig
config = (cVerification $ defConfig GitHub) { vcIgnoreRefs = [] }
config :: NetworkingConfig
config = (cNetworking $ defConfig GitHub) { ncIgnoreRefs = [] }

test_FtpLinks :: TestTree
test_FtpLinks = askOption $ \(FtpHostOpt host) -> do
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69 changes: 35 additions & 34 deletions src/Xrefcheck/CLI.hs
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Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,15 @@

module Xrefcheck.CLI
( VerifyMode (..)
, shouldCheckLocal
, shouldCheckExternal
, ExclusionOptions (..)
, Command (..)
, Options (..)
, VerifyOptions (..)
, addVerifyOptions
, TraversalOptions (..)
, addTraversalOptions
, NetworkingOptions (..)

, addNetworkingOptions
, shouldCheckLocal
, shouldCheckExternal
, addExclusionOptions
, defaultConfigPaths
, getCommand
) where
Expand All @@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty (Doc, displayS, fill, fillSep, indent, re
import Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty qualified as Pretty

import Paths_xrefcheck (version)
import Xrefcheck.Config (VerifyConfig, VerifyConfig' (..))
import Xrefcheck.Config (NetworkingConfig, NetworkingConfig' (..))
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Scan
import Xrefcheck.Util (normaliseWithNoTrailing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,34 +70,34 @@ data Command
| DumpConfig Flavor FilePath

data Options = Options
{ oConfigPath :: Maybe FilePath
, oRoot :: FilePath
, oMode :: VerifyMode
, oVerbose :: Bool
, oShowProgressBar :: Maybe Bool
, oTraversalOptions :: TraversalOptions
, oVerifyOptions :: VerifyOptions
{ oConfigPath :: Maybe FilePath
, oRoot :: FilePath
, oMode :: VerifyMode
, oVerbose :: Bool
, oShowProgressBar :: Maybe Bool
, oExclusionOptions :: ExclusionOptions
, oNetworkingOptions :: NetworkingOptions

data TraversalOptions = TraversalOptions
data ExclusionOptions = ExclusionOptions
{ toIgnored :: [RelGlobPattern]

addTraversalOptions :: TraversalConfig -> TraversalOptions -> TraversalConfig
addTraversalOptions TraversalConfig{..} (TraversalOptions ignored) =
{ tcIgnored = tcIgnored ++ ignored
addExclusionOptions :: ExclusionConfig -> ExclusionOptions -> ExclusionConfig
addExclusionOptions ExclusionConfig{..} (ExclusionOptions ignored) =
{ ecIgnored = ecIgnored ++ ignored
, ..

data VerifyOptions = VerifyOptions
{ voMaxRetries :: Maybe Int
data NetworkingOptions = NetworkingOptions
{ noMaxRetries :: Maybe Int

addVerifyOptions :: VerifyConfig -> VerifyOptions -> VerifyConfig
addVerifyOptions VerifyConfig{..} (VerifyOptions maxRetries) =
{ vcMaxRetries = fromMaybe vcMaxRetries maxRetries
addNetworkingOptions :: NetworkingConfig -> NetworkingOptions -> NetworkingConfig
addNetworkingOptions NetworkingConfig{..} (NetworkingOptions maxRetries) =
{ ncMaxRetries = fromMaybe ncMaxRetries maxRetries
, ..

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,29 +171,29 @@ optionsParser = do
help "Do not display progress bar during verification."
, pure Nothing
oTraversalOptions <- traversalOptionsParser
oVerifyOptions <- verifyOptionsParser
oExclusionOptions <- exclusionOptionsParser
oNetworkingOptions <- networkingOptionsParser
return Options{..}

traversalOptionsParser :: Parser TraversalOptions
traversalOptionsParser = do
exclusionOptionsParser :: Parser ExclusionOptions
exclusionOptionsParser = do
toIgnored <- many . globOption $
long "ignored" <>
metavar "GLOB PATTERN" <>
help "Files which we pretend do not exist.\
\ Glob patterns that contain wildcards MUST be enclosed\
\ in quotes to avoid being expanded by shell."
return TraversalOptions{..}
return ExclusionOptions{..}

verifyOptionsParser :: Parser VerifyOptions
verifyOptionsParser = do
voMaxRetries <- option (Just <$> auto) $
networkingOptionsParser :: Parser NetworkingOptions
networkingOptionsParser = do
noMaxRetries <- option (Just <$> auto) $
long "retries" <>
metavar "INT" <>
value Nothing <>
help "How many attempts to retry an external link after getting \
\a \"429 Too Many Requests\" response."
return VerifyOptions{..}
return NetworkingOptions{..}

dumpConfigOptions :: Parser Command
dumpConfigOptions = hsubparser $
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Command.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Data.Yaml (decodeFileEither, prettyPrintParseException)
import Fmt (blockListF', build, fmt, fmtLn, indentF)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)

import Xrefcheck.CLI (Options (..), addTraversalOptions, addVerifyOptions, defaultConfigPaths)
import Xrefcheck.CLI (Options (..), addExclusionOptions, addNetworkingOptions, defaultConfigPaths)
import Xrefcheck.Config
(Config, Config' (..), ScannersConfig, ScannersConfig' (..), defConfig, normaliseConfigFilePaths,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ defaultAction Options{..} = do
let showProgressBar = oShowProgressBar ?: not withinCI

(ScanResult scanErrs repoInfo) <- allowRewrite showProgressBar $ \rw -> do
let fullConfig = addTraversalOptions (cTraversal config) oTraversalOptions
let fullConfig = addExclusionOptions (cExclusions config) oExclusionOptions
scanRepo rw (formats $ cScanners config) fullConfig oRoot

when oVerbose $
Expand All @@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ defaultAction Options{..} = do
unless (null scanErrs) . reportScanErrs $ sortBy (compare `on` seFile) scanErrs

verifyRes <- allowRewrite showProgressBar $ \rw -> do
let fullConfig = addVerifyOptions (cVerification config) oVerifyOptions
let fullConfig = config
{ cNetworking = addNetworkingOptions (cNetworking config) oNetworkingOptions }
verifyRepo rw fullConfig oMode oRoot repoInfo

case verifyErrors verifyRes of
Expand Down
107 changes: 55 additions & 52 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Time (KnownRatName, Second, Time(..), unitsP)
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Scan
import Xrefcheck.Scanners.Markdown
import Xrefcheck.System (RelGlobPattern, normaliseGlobPattern)
import Xrefcheck.Util (aesonConfigOption, postfixFields, (-:), Field)
import Xrefcheck.Config.Default
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Common
Expand All @@ -40,58 +39,52 @@ type ConfigOptional = Config' Maybe

-- | Overall config.
data Config' f = Config
{ cTraversal :: Field f (TraversalConfig' f)
, cVerification :: Field f (VerifyConfig' f)
, cScanners :: Field f (ScannersConfig' f)
{ cExclusions :: Field f (ExclusionConfig' f)
, cNetworking :: Field f (NetworkingConfig' f)
, cScanners :: Field f (ScannersConfig' f)
} deriving stock (Generic)

normaliseConfigFilePaths :: Config -> Config
normaliseConfigFilePaths Config{..}
= Config
{ cTraversal = normaliseTraversalConfigFilePaths cTraversal
, cVerification = normaliseVerifyConfigFilePaths cVerification
, cScanners
{ cExclusions = normaliseExclusionConfigFilePaths cExclusions
, ..

-- | Type alias for VerifyConfig' with all required fields.
type VerifyConfig = VerifyConfig' Identity

-- | Config of verification.
data VerifyConfig' f = VerifyConfig
{ vcAnchorSimilarityThreshold :: Field f Double
, vcExternalRefCheckTimeout :: Field f (Time Second)
, vcVirtualFiles :: Field f [RelGlobPattern]
-- ^ Files which we pretend do exist.
, vcNotScanned :: Field f [RelGlobPattern]
-- ^ Files, references in which we should not analyze.
, vcIgnoreRefs :: Field f [Regex]
-- | Type alias for NetworkingConfig' with all required fields.
type NetworkingConfig = NetworkingConfig' Identity

-- | Config of networking.
data NetworkingConfig' f = NetworkingConfig
{ ncExternalRefCheckTimeout :: Field f (Time Second)
-- ^ When checking external references, how long to wait on request before
-- declaring "Response timeout".
, ncIgnoreRefs :: Field f [Regex]
-- ^ Regular expressions that match external references we should not verify.
, vcIgnoreAuthFailures :: Field f Bool
, ncIgnoreAuthFailures :: Field f Bool
-- ^ If True - links which return 403 or 401 code will be skipped,
-- otherwise – will be marked as broken, because we can't check it.
, vcDefaultRetryAfter :: Field f (Time Second)
, ncDefaultRetryAfter :: Field f (Time Second)
-- ^ Default Retry-After delay, applicable when we receive a 429 response
-- and it does not contain a @Retry-After@ header.
, vcMaxRetries :: Field f Int
, ncMaxRetries :: Field f Int
-- ^ How many attempts to retry an external link after getting
-- a "429 Too Many Requests" response.
} deriving stock (Generic)

normaliseVerifyConfigFilePaths :: VerifyConfig -> VerifyConfig
normaliseVerifyConfigFilePaths vc@VerifyConfig{ vcVirtualFiles, vcNotScanned}
= vc
{ vcVirtualFiles = map normaliseGlobPattern vcVirtualFiles
, vcNotScanned = map normaliseGlobPattern vcNotScanned

-- | Type alias for ScannersConfig' with all required fields.
type ScannersConfig = ScannersConfig' Identity

-- | Configs for all the supported scanners.
data ScannersConfig' f = ScannersConfig
{ scMarkdown :: Field f (MarkdownConfig' f)
, scAnchorSimilarityThreshold :: Field f Double
-- ^ On 'anchor not found' error, how much similar anchors should be displayed as
-- hint. Number should be between 0 and 1, larger value means stricter filter.
} deriving stock (Generic)

makeLensesWith postfixFields ''Config'
makeLensesWith postfixFields ''VerifyConfig'
makeLensesWith postfixFields ''NetworkingConfig'

-- | Picks raw config with @:PLACEHOLDER:<key>:@ and fills the specified fields
-- in it, picking a replacement suitable for the given key. Only strings and lists
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -209,34 +202,44 @@ defConfig flavor = normaliseConfigFilePaths $
overrideConfig :: ConfigOptional -> Config
overrideConfig config
= Config
{ cTraversal = TraversalConfig ignored
, cVerification = maybe defVerification overrideVerify $ cVerification config
, cScanners = ScannersConfig (MarkdownConfig flavor)
{ cExclusions = maybe defExclusions overrideExclusions $ cExclusions config
, cNetworking = maybe defNetworking overrideNetworking $ cNetworking config
, cScanners = ScannersConfig
{ scMarkdown = MarkdownConfig flavor
, scAnchorSimilarityThreshold =
fromMaybe (scAnchorSimilarityThreshold defScanners)
$ scAnchorSimilarityThreshold =<< cScanners config
flavor = fromMaybe GitHub
$ mcFlavor =<< scMarkdown =<< cScanners config

defTraversal = cTraversal $ defConfig flavor

ignored = fromMaybe (tcIgnored defTraversal) $ tcIgnored =<< cTraversal config
defScanners = cScanners $ defConfig flavor
defExclusions = cExclusions $ defConfig flavor
defNetworking = cNetworking $ defConfig flavor

defVerification = cVerification $ defConfig flavor

overrideVerify verifyConfig
= VerifyConfig
{ vcAnchorSimilarityThreshold = overrideField vcAnchorSimilarityThreshold
, vcExternalRefCheckTimeout = overrideField vcExternalRefCheckTimeout
, vcVirtualFiles = overrideField vcVirtualFiles
, vcNotScanned = overrideField vcNotScanned
, vcIgnoreRefs = overrideField vcIgnoreRefs
, vcIgnoreAuthFailures = overrideField vcIgnoreAuthFailures
, vcDefaultRetryAfter = overrideField vcDefaultRetryAfter
, vcMaxRetries = overrideField vcMaxRetries
overrideExclusions exclusionConfig
= ExclusionConfig
{ ecIgnored = overrideField ecIgnored
, ecVirtualFiles = overrideField ecVirtualFiles
, ecNotScanned = overrideField ecNotScanned
overrideField :: (forall f. ExclusionConfig' f -> Field f a) -> a
overrideField field = fromMaybe (field defExclusions) $ field exclusionConfig

overrideNetworking networkingConfig
= NetworkingConfig
{ ncExternalRefCheckTimeout = overrideField ncExternalRefCheckTimeout
, ncIgnoreRefs = overrideField ncIgnoreRefs
, ncIgnoreAuthFailures = overrideField ncIgnoreAuthFailures
, ncDefaultRetryAfter = overrideField ncDefaultRetryAfter
, ncMaxRetries = overrideField ncMaxRetries
overrideField :: (forall f. VerifyConfig' f -> Field f a) -> a
overrideField field = fromMaybe (field defVerification) $ field verifyConfig
overrideField :: (forall f. NetworkingConfig' f -> Field f a) -> a
overrideField field = fromMaybe (field defNetworking) $ field networkingConfig

-- Yaml instances
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,10 +275,10 @@ instance FromJSON (ConfigOptional) where
instance FromJSON (Config) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON aesonConfigOption

instance FromJSON (VerifyConfig' Maybe) where
instance FromJSON (NetworkingConfig' Maybe) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON aesonConfigOption

instance FromJSON (VerifyConfig) where
instance FromJSON (NetworkingConfig) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON aesonConfigOption

instance FromJSON (ScannersConfig' Maybe) where
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions src/Xrefcheck/Config/Default.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ import Text.RawString.QQ

defConfigUnfilled :: ByteString
defConfigUnfilled =
[r|# Parameters of repository traversal.
[r|# Exclusion parameters.
# Glob patterns describing files which we pretend do not exist
# (so they are neither analyzed nor can be referenced).
Expand All @@ -24,16 +24,6 @@ traversal:
# Stack files
- .stack-work/**/*

# Verification parameters.
# On 'anchor not found' error, how much similar anchors should be displayed as
# hint. Number should be between 0 and 1, larger value means stricter filter.
anchorSimilarityThreshold: 0.5

# When checking external references, how long to wait on request before
# declaring "Response timeout".
externalRefCheckTimeout: 10s

# Glob patterns describing the files, references in which should not be analyzed.
- :PLACEHOLDER:notScanned:
Expand All @@ -43,6 +33,12 @@ verification:
- :PLACEHOLDER:virtualFiles:

# Networking parameters.
# When checking external references, how long to wait on request before
# declaring "Response timeout".
externalRefCheckTimeout: 10s

# POSIX extended regular expressions that match external references
# that have to be ignored (not verified).
Expand All @@ -63,6 +59,10 @@ verification:

# Parameters of scanners for various file types.
# On 'anchor not found' error, how much similar anchors should be displayed as
# hint. Number should be between 0 and 1, larger value means stricter filter.
anchorSimilarityThreshold: 0.5

# Flavor of markdown, e.g. GitHub-flavor.
Expand Down

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