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This is the rcfiles of my bash and vim. It contains some comfortable settings for them. See the Usage section for detail.

NOTE: It only supply settings, not including the softwares (e.g. ranger/pycharm) or plugins (e.g. NERDTree/YCM). You should be able to install them by yourself.



Easy Chinese Completion

Just use the first letter of a Chinese character to represent it. For example, if you want to change the working directory to 桌面 in current directory, input cd zm and press <TAB> then you will get it. To edit a file named 日记.txt, type vim rj and press <TAB>. Tab completion is supported.

Ranger CD (ranger installed required)

Press <Ctrl-o> to open ranger, and press q to leave you in the proper directory.

j (autojmp installed required)



  • <leader>y/p to yank and paste to/from system in normal/visual mode.
  • <C-;> to paste from system. (Linux Only, not provided by vim.)

Window navigation

  1. <leader><TAB> to navigate among windows.
  2. - and select.
  3. <leader><leader>a in vim-easymotion.

Buffer navigation

vim-xtabline shows buffer numbers in a tabline.

  1. <TAB>/<S-TAB> to navigate among buffers.
  2. <num><BS> to go to buffer.
  3. <BS> to switch between recent 2 buffers.



  • <leader><leader>f/F/s for characters.
  • <leader><leader>w/W/b/B/e/E for words.
  • <leader><leader>j/k for lines.
  • <leader><leader>a 可以跨窗口移动.


  • f 后输入1个字符进行查找移动。
  • s 后输入2个字符进行查找移动。
  • ;/, 用于向前向后移动。
  • 开启了label-mode,移动过程中可以输入label快速移动(类似于easymotion)。

Insert motion

  • <C-h/l/j> to move quickly in insert mode.

Quick filesystem navigation

NERDTree is used to navigate in filesystem.

  • <leader>F to open/close NERDTree.
  • o to open a directory/file.
  • A to zoom in/out.
  • :Bookmark to add a bookmark.
  • ? for more help.
  • q to quit.

fzf.vim is used to search and open files/buffers.

  • <leader>f to find files.
  • <leader>l to find lines in current buffer.
  • <leader>/ to find contents in current project.

<leader>r to use ranger.


Identifer Completion

YCM, UltiSnips and vim-snippets are used for auto-completion in C-family and python files.

  • just type to get hints and use <TAB>, <C-p>, <C-n> to circle among them.
  • use <C-o> to open a snip, and <C-j>, <C-k> to navigate in it.

Pairs Completion

auto-pairs is used for complete about paires (paretheses and quotations). When you inside ()/[]/{}/''/"", press the latter part to go out, and when you delete the former part you also delete the latter one. Use <C-l>/<C-j> in insert mode to move quickly right out of paires.


  • K to get python docstrings (supplied by pydoc.vim) in python files.
  • <C-K> to get translation (sdcv required). q to quit.

Go through a project


按 , 键唤出快捷菜单。

  • select certain item in the menu for others.

Syntax check

YCM (C-family) and ale (python) can check the syntax, then give signs and location-list automaticly.

  • <leader>j/k to navigate among the list.
  • :lopen [height] opens the location-list.


tabular is used to tabularize something.

Select lines and :Tabularize /= ('=' can be replaced by [-|%] and stuff).

Quick selection

  • v,vv,vvv from vim-expand-region
  • v and use vim-easymotion/vim-sneak
  • text object in targets.vim/vim-textobj:
    • i( i) ib i[ i] it i{ i} iB i< i>
    • a( a) ab a[ a] at a{ a} aB a< a>
    • I( I) Ib I[ I] It I{ I} IB I< I>
    • A( A) Ab A[ A] At A{ A} AB A< A>
    • [count][iaIA][ln][()b[]t{}B<>]
    • [count][iaI][ln]['"`]
    • [count][iaIA][ln][, . ; : + - = ~ _ * # / | \ & $ ~]
    • if, af, ic, ac, id, ad
    • ii, ai


  1. select word and use S<space><space> to get word.
  2. select word and use S<space>' to get ' word '.
  3. select word and use S' to get 'word'.
  4. select word and use S( to get ( word ).
  5. select word and use S) to get (word).
  6. use 'cs' to change and 'ds' to delete.


mathjax-support-for-mkdp and markdown-preview.vim is used to preview markdown files in your browser. :MarkdownPreview to open it. It will auto update while you are typing.


my dotfiles for bash and vim.







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