At the moment all these projects are almost abandoned because unfortunately I do not have any position in helium-3 science anymore. If you have any suggestions, any spare wet cryostat which I can rebuild and use, please let me know!
Measurement system (was used in superfluid Helium-3 experiments in Helsinki and Lancaster)
- device2 -- Server for accessing devices and programs in experimental setup. This is the central part of the measurement system which allows to send commands to local and remote devices and programs without any knowledge about connection details
- graphene -- A simple time series database based on BerkleyDB
- pico_osc -- SPP interface for Picoscope 4000 oscilloscope (can be connected to device2). Programs for manipulating recorded signals (probably, should be moved to a separate package)
- spp-picoadc -- SPP interface for Pico ADC devices
- spp-nidaq -- SPP interface to NI DAQ devices (via NIDAQmx library)
- spp-ads1115 -- SPP interface to ADS1113/1114/1115 ADC converter
- tcl-device_role -- DeviceRole library, standard drivers for devices
- tcl-exp -- TCL/TK based GUI for experiments
- tcl-xblt -- tcl-xblt library from ROTA group
- tcl-gpib -- tcl-gpib library from ROTA group (I'm not using it because Device2 server directly works with libgpib)
- tcl-bf2gr -- parse Bluefors/CryoMech/Magnicon logfiles, put data into graphene database
- alt2deb -- Scripts for building deb packages - this was used for deploying the measurement system on Debian/Ubuntu
Data processing
- py_fit_res -- python library for fitting linear and non-linear resonances
- fit_res -- Fast command-line tool for fitting linear resonances
- data_filter -- A smart filter for telemetry data
Numerical simulation
- he3lib -- He3 calculator, C/F/matlab/octave/cmdline interfaces
- he3vmcw -- 1D Legget-Takagi equation solver (based on V.Dmitriev's code)
- he3text1r -- He3-B 1D radial texture calculation. F/C/matlab/octave interfaces
- he3cad -- Cadabra scripts - energies in He3-B
- he3en -- Collection of matlab/octave scripts for testing various 3He-B energies
- cryoblocks -- Thermal flow calculator for cryogenic (and any other) systems
- magneetti -- Old (not my) program for magnetic field profile calculation
- dealii_progs -- Simulation: Spin waves between half-quantum vortices in polar phase of 3He
- LIM -- Larkin-Imry-Ma state toy simulations
I'm making hiking maps more then 20 years. Two main projects are maps of Moscow region (related to MMB orienteering event) and maps of mountain regions. Nowdays I'm not very active with Moscow maps (but MMB team still is). Mountain maps are updated quite regularly.
Maps can be viewed online here. More information and other formats (Garmin, Osmand, etc.) here.
- mapsoft2 -- Mapsoft project
- mapsoft2-libs -- libraries for mapsoft2 and other projects
- map_hr -- Sources for mountain maps
- map_podm -- Sources for Moscow maps
- map_fi -- Custom render of MML map of Finland
- alos_overlay -- fixing ALOS DEM data
- py_patcher -- Garmin firmware patcher
- addphoto -- Script for making html texts with photos (for site)
- bresenham -- description of Bresenham algorithm (line, circle), comments in Russian
- akk -- An old program for visualizing guitar chords
All Github projects:
Most of my code is under GPL v3.0 License. Most packages contain spec file for Altlinux (it's my main packaging system), some have files for building packages for Gentoo (thanks to @suntar) and Ubuntu.
My website (mostly travel reports and photos):
My profile in