Originally it comes from ROTA group (Low Temperature laboratory, TKK (Aalto) University, Finland)
This function adds additional functions to the legend menu for element hiding, highlighting, setting log scale (vertical axis), autoscaling.
Key bindings:
- left mouse button on a legend -- toggle show/hide
- middle mouse button on a legend -- toggle normal/highlight
- -usemenu -- add menu entries (default: 1)
- -hidemenulabel -- label for show/hide menu entry (default: Hide)
- -hilitmenulabel -- label for normal/highlight menu entry (default: Highlight)
- -logmenulabel -- label for normal/logscale menu entry (default: Logscale)
- -automenulabel -- label for autoscale menu entry (default: Autoscale)
After a call to this function any plot can be selected with a middle mouse button and scaled or moved in a vertical direction by dragging the mouse. Vertical axis is modified accordingly. This is convenient if you have many plots with different y scales on the graph.
After a call to this function any plot can be dragged horizontally or vertically by 2nd mouse button. Axes are modified accordingly. This function is used in xblt::zoomstack to set up scrolling.
- -modifier -- modifier for dragging (default: {})
- -button -- mouse button for dragging (default: 2)
- -axes -- list if axes to drag (default: {})
Positions of the blt::graph and the scrollbar are syncronized. Key bindings for navigation are added:
- Home/End keys -- scroll to the beginning/end of data
- Left/Right arrows, mouse wheel -- scroll left/right by 1/20 of the window.
- PgUp/PgDown keys -- scroll left/right by one window size.
- -on_change -- command run when the plot is scrolled or resized. Four arguments: limits in scrollbar coordinates, limits in plot coordinates. (default: {})
- -timefmt -- use nice time libels on the x axis (values should be in seconds since 1970-01-01). Boolean value. (default: 0)
One can zoom data with 1st mouse button. All previouse zoom settings are stored in a stack. When unzooming is done (using 3rd mouse button or menu entry), the previous setting is restored.
Horisontal scrolling of the graph with 2nd mouse button is also set up here.
- -modifier -- modifier for zoom (default: {})
- -button -- mouse button to zoom (default: 1)
- -scrollbutton -- mouse button to scroll (default: 2)
- -unzoombutton -- mouse button to unzoom (default: 3)
- -axes -- list if axes to zoom (default: {} which means all)
- -recttype -- type ot zooming rectangle: x,y or xy (default: xy)
- -rectconfig -- (default: {})
- -usemenu -- add menu entries (default: 1)
- -menuunzoomlabel -- label for unzoom menu entry (default: Unzoom)
- -menurezoomlabel -- label for restore zoom menu entry (default: Restore zoom)
- -variable -- variable with the cursor state (default: {})
- -show -- show/hide (default: {})
- -usemenu -- add menu entry (default: 1)
- -menulabel -- label for crosshairs menu entry (default: Crosshairs)
Note: if -variable is empty then menu is not shown
- -variable -- (default: {})
- -active -- (default: {})
- -command -- (default: {})
- -interpolate -- (default: no)
- -onmarkers -- (default: {})
- -usemenu -- add menu entry (default: 1)
- -menulabel -- (default: Readout)
- -formatcommand -- (default: {})
- -eventcommand -- (default: {})
- -command cmd -- (default: {})
- -commandlabel -- (default: usercmd)
- -event -- (default: {})
- -quickevent -- (default: {})
- -usemenu -- add menu entry (default: 1)
- -menulabel -- menu label (default: Measure)
- -finishlabel -- menu label for a strange popup menu (default: Finish measure)
This function adds editable comments with vertical lines. Comments are compatible with comments/annotations in graphene database. They can be created by Control-ButtonPress-1 and deleted by Control-ButtonPress-3.
- -on_add -- command run when a comment is created, arguments: position,text (default: {})
- -on_del -- command run when a comment is deleted, arguments: position,text (default: {}) Functions -on_add and -on_del can be used to syncronize comments with a database.
xblt::xcomments::create <graph> <position> <text>
- create a comment, return its id`xblt::xcomments::delete <graph> <id> -- delete a comment
xblt::xcomments::clear <graph> -- delete all comments
xblt::xcomments::delete_range <graph> <x1> <x2> -- delete all comments in the range
xblt::xcomments::hide_all <graph> -- hide all comments
xblt::xcomments::show_all <graph> -- show all comments
TODO: other functions
- bindtag.tcl
- escape.tcl
- legmenu.tcl
- main.tcl
- mtmarker.tcl
- options.tcl
- plotmenu.tcl
- plotoper.tcl
- rubberrect.tcl
- timemark.tcl
- unitaxes.tcl
- varutil.tcl