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Eamonn Rea edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 6 revisions


SteamTinkerLaunch allows for downloading and using Wine to run games. This can be useful for Non-Steam Games. Wine can be enabled from the Game Menu with a checkbox, and custom versions of Wine can be selected. Wine versions can be downloaded using the Download Custom Wine Extra Button on the Main Menu.

Adding Custom Wine Builds

Download Custom Wine

As mentioned, you can use the Download Custom Wine option to download and extract Wine builds. If your Wine version is missing you may be able to add the URL to the URL config file following the guidance on the wiki page. However as noted the type and structure of the archive will have to be verified first.

If the archive type or structure are not compatible, feel free to open a PR to implement it. You could also open a detailed issue describing how to implement it.

Otherwise, you can follow some of the steps below to add custom Wine archives.


It is also possible to manually add your own extracted Wine archive to SteamTinkerLaunch. Your archive should go into the WINEEXTDIR (see Paths wiki) and have a top-level folder with the name of the Wine build. Inside that folder should be the Wine folder structure, with bin, lib, etc. You can use an existing extracted Wine version from SteamTinkerLaunch as a reference if you need to.

This option may be useful if you have existing Wine downloads (e.g. from Lutris) that you want to be made available within SteamTinkerLaunch. It is also useful if SteamTinkerLaunch cannot download/extract the Wine release archive you want to use, or if you're using a custom build.

If your Wine version cannot use the same directory structure for some reason, it may be possible to create symlinks that mimic the directory structure. Likewise, symlinking builds of Wine that you have already downloaded for something like Lutris may also work.


ProtonUp-Qt offers the ability to select custom directories for compatibility tools. You can set a custom Steam directory to the WINEEXTDIR (see Paths wiki) and then use ProtonUp-Qt to manage downloading and extracting the Wine versions for you.

See Also

and of course all Proton configuration options which particilarly have the same settings for obvious reasons.

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