What's new
The partial tag now supports slots . Why didn't we ever add this before??
What's improved
Previewing SVGs in the asset editor now looks super dope
The get_content
tag has been waxed and polished for a nice little performance boost
The UX for defining field conditions has been given some TLC (Tender Lettuce Caress)
French translations have been updated. #2504
What's fixed
Status icons update when saving entries without needing to refresh. #1822
Fixed entries in a structured collection (i.e. pages) ignoring content protection. #2526
A markdown field with no value will be treated that way, rather than as an empty string. #2503
Actions with redirects now actually redirect. #1946
Action confirmation modals remain open on failures. #1576
Bard will now render strikethrough
elements. #2517
Bumped html-to-prosemirror and prosemirror-to-html packages.
Bumped lodash version #2089
You can’t perform that action at this time.