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FullCalendar Scheduler Examples

Stefan Uebe edited this page May 5, 2023 · 11 revisions

Activating the scheduler

using the builder

FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().withScheduler().build();


// scheduler options
((Scheduler) calendar).setSchedulerLicenseKey(...);

Adding a resource to a calendar and link it with entries

Resource resource = new Resource(null, s, color);

// When we want to link an entry with a resource, we need to use ResourceEntry
// (a subclass of Entry)
ResourceEntry entry = new ResourceEntry(null, title, start.atStartOfDay(), start.plusDays(days).atStartOfDay(), true, true, color, "Some description...");

Handling change of an entry's assigned resource by drag and drop

calendar.addEntryDroppedListener(event -> {

    Entry entry = event.getEntry();

    if(entry instanceof ResourceEntry) {
        Set<Resource> resources = ((ResourceEntry) entry).getResources();
        if(!resources.isEmpty()) {
            // do something with the resource info

Switching to a timeline view


Activate vertical resource view


Creating a resource bases background event

ResourceEntry entry = new ResourceEntry(); // ... setup entry details, including addResource()

entry.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode.BACKGROUND); calendar.addEntry(entry);

Creating hierarchical resources

// Create a parent resource. When adding the sub resources first before adding the parent to the calendar,
// the sub resources are registered automatically on client side and server side.

Resource parent = new Resource();
parent.addChildren(new Resource(), new Resource(), new Resource());

calendar.addResource(parent); // will add the resource and also it's children to server and client

// add new resources to already registered parents
Resource child = new Resource()
calendar.addResource(child); // this will update the client side

// or remove them from already registered ones

Making a resource entry draggable between resources

// activate for the client to have an entry being draggable between resources

// update the entry on the client side, if it is already added to the calendar