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Release Notes 6.1.x

Stefan Uebe edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 2 revisions

Release notes for 6.1

With 6.1, the (for now experimental) Lumo theme has been added to the addon. This theme slightly changes the appearance of the calendar to align more with other Vaadin components' Lumo styles.

To use it, simply apply the respective theme variant to your calendar instance. It also works with custom subclasses of the calendar. Please be aware, that changing Lumo variables or overriding FC styles also affect this theme.


Major changes:

  • the today marker is now shown as a badge instead of having a background color
  • header font sizes reduced
  • selection colors aligned with Grid selection
  • using the lumo prime color as the default color for events (that have no own color); the default color of background events is not changed at the moment
  • applying several other lumo colors, sizes and spaces to different parts of the calendar