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Contexts that can be serialized + deserialized while retaining and explicitly representing sharing #2202

merged 30 commits into from
Nov 22, 2024
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[wip] Towards #2107; add structure + homomorphic hashes to Ctx
byorgey Oct 25, 2024
[wip] start adding required Hashable instances
byorgey Oct 26, 2024
finish adding Hashable instances
byorgey Oct 27, 2024
context folding
byorgey Oct 28, 2024
better type for foldCtx
byorgey Oct 28, 2024
even better type for foldCtx; work on getting rid of Empty base case …
byorgey Oct 28, 2024
context dessicate/rehydrate works!!
byorgey Nov 2, 2024
some additional comments
byorgey Nov 4, 2024
small improvements
byorgey Nov 4, 2024
ToJSON and FromJSONE instances for Ctx
byorgey Nov 4, 2024
add some unit tests
byorgey Nov 5, 2024
new `rollCtx` function collects up all hash computations in one place
byorgey Nov 5, 2024
QuickCheck tests for context hash collisions
byorgey Nov 5, 2024
disable warning for orphan Hashable Free instance
byorgey Nov 5, 2024
Restyled by fourmolu (#2203)
github-actions[bot] Nov 5, 2024
normalize cabal formatting
byorgey Nov 5, 2024
To/FromJSON instances for CtxHash and CtxF
byorgey Nov 6, 2024
[wip] work on FromJSON instances
byorgey Nov 6, 2024
remove bad FromJSON instances for now
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
reinstate `ToJSON` instance for `REPLStatus`
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
more comments, and a bit of reorganization
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
remove redundant stuff
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
add de/serialization test for contexts
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
remove unused `CtxNode`
byorgey Nov 19, 2024
add clarifying comment re: "roll up"
byorgey Nov 21, 2024
refactor to use `fmap` instead of explicit `case` on `Maybe`
byorgey Nov 21, 2024
refactor to replace `case` with `unless`
byorgey Nov 21, 2024
more module comments
byorgey Nov 21, 2024
add TODO linked to #2213
byorgey Nov 22, 2024
Merge branch 'main' into ctx-sharing
mergify[bot] Nov 22, 2024
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263 changes: 231 additions & 32 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Context.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

-- |
byorgey marked this conversation as resolved.
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-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
Expand All @@ -10,72 +9,205 @@
-- types, values, or capability sets) used throughout the codebase.
module Swarm.Language.Context where

import Control.Algebra (Has)
import Control.Algebra (Has, run)
import Control.Carrier.State.Strict (execState)
import Control.Effect.Reader (Reader, ask, local)
import Control.Lens.Empty (AsEmpty (..), pattern Empty)
import Control.Effect.State (State, get, modify)
import Control.Lens.Empty (AsEmpty (..))
import Control.Lens.Prism (prism)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), genericParseJSON, genericToJSON)

Check warning on line 18 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Context.hs

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GitHub Actions / Haskell-CI - windows-latest - ghc-9.8.2

The import of ‘genericParseJSON, genericToJSON’
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Hashable
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Semigroup (Sum (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Prettyprinter (brackets, emptyDoc, hsep, punctuate)
import Swarm.Pretty (PrettyPrec (..), prettyBinding)
import Swarm.Pretty (PrettyPrec (..))
import Swarm.Util (failT, showT)
import Swarm.Util.JSON (optionsUnwrapUnary)

Check warning on line 31 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Context.hs

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GitHub Actions / Haskell-CI - windows-latest - ghc-9.8.2

The import of ‘Swarm.Util.JSON’ is redundant
import Swarm.Util.Yaml (FromJSONE, getE, liftE, parseJSONE)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)

-- | We use 'Text' values to represent variables.
type Var = Text

-- | A context is a mapping from variable names to things.
newtype Ctx t = Ctx {unCtx :: Map Var t}
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic)
-- Context hash

instance ToJSON t => ToJSON (Ctx t) where
toJSON = genericToJSON optionsUnwrapUnary
-- | A context hash is a hash value used to identify contexts without
-- having to compare them for equality. Hash values are computed
-- homomorphically, so that two equal contexts will be guaranteed to
-- have the same hash value, even if they were constructed with a
-- different sequence of operations.
-- The downside of this approach is that, /in theory/, there could
-- be hash collisions, that is, two different contexts which
-- nonetheless have the same hash value. However, this is extremely
-- unlikely. The benefit is that everything can be purely
-- functional, without the need to thread around some kind of
-- globally unique ID generation effect.
newtype CtxHash = CtxHash {getCtxHash :: Int}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
deriving (Semigroup, Monoid) via Sum Int
deriving (Num) via Int

instance Show CtxHash where
show (CtxHash h) = printf "%016x" h

-- | The hash for a single variable -> value binding.
singletonHash :: Hashable t => Var -> t -> CtxHash
singletonHash x t = CtxHash $ hashWithSalt (hash x) t

-- | The hash for an entire Map's worth of bindings.
mapHash :: Hashable t => Map Var t -> CtxHash
mapHash = M.foldMapWithKey singletonHash

-- Context structure

-- | 'CtxF' represents one level of structure of a context: a context
-- is either empty, a singleton, or built via deletion or union.
data CtxF f t
= CtxEmpty
| CtxSingle Var t
| CtxDelete Var t (f t)
| CtxUnion (f t) (f t)
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)

-- | Map over the recursive structure stored in a 'CtxF'.
restructure :: (f t -> g t) -> CtxF f t -> CtxF g t
restructure _ CtxEmpty = CtxEmpty
restructure _ (CtxSingle x t) = CtxSingle x t
restructure h (CtxDelete x t f1) = CtxDelete x t (h f1)
restructure h (CtxUnion f1 f2) = CtxUnion (h f1) (h f2)

-- | A 'CtxTree' is one possible representation of a context,
-- consisting of a structured record of the process by which a
-- context was constructed. This representation would be terrible
-- for doing efficient variable lookups, but it can be used to
-- efficiently serialize/deserialize the context while recovering
-- sharing.
-- It stores a top-level hash of the context, along with a recursive
-- tree built via 'CtxF'.
data CtxTree t = CtxTree CtxHash (CtxF CtxTree t)
deriving (Eq, Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Data, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, Show)

-- | A 'CtxNode' is just a single level of structure for a context,
-- with any recursive contexts replaced by their hash.
-- For example, a 'CtxNode' could look something like @CtxUnion
-- (Const 0fe5b299) (Const abcdef12)@.
type CtxNode t = CtxF (Const CtxHash) t

-- Contexts

-- | A context is a mapping from variable names to things. We store
-- both a 'Map' (for efficient lookup) as well as a 'CtxTree' for
-- sharing-aware serializing/deserializing of contexts.
data Ctx t = Ctx {unCtx :: Map Var t, ctxStruct :: CtxTree t}
deriving (Functor, Traversable, Data, Generic)

-- | Get the top-level hash of a context.
ctxHash :: Ctx t -> CtxHash
ctxHash (Ctx _ (CtxTree h _)) = h

instance Show (Ctx t) where
show _ = "<Ctx>"

instance FromJSON t => FromJSON (Ctx t) where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON optionsUnwrapUnary
instance Eq (Ctx t) where
(==) = (==) `on` ctxHash

instance Hashable t => Hashable (Ctx t) where
hash = getCtxHash . ctxHash
hashWithSalt s = hashWithSalt s . getCtxHash . ctxHash

instance Foldable Ctx where
foldMap f = foldMap f . unCtx

-- | Rebuild a complete 'Ctx' from a 'CtxTree'.
ctxFromTree :: CtxTree t -> Ctx t
ctxFromTree tree = Ctx (varMap tree) tree
varMap (CtxTree _ s) = case s of
CtxEmpty -> M.empty
CtxSingle x t -> M.singleton x t
CtxDelete x _ s1 -> M.delete x (varMap s1)
CtxUnion s1 s2 -> varMap s2 `M.union` varMap s1

-- Context instances

-- | Serialize a context simply as its hash; we assume that a
-- top-level CtxMap has been seralized somewhere, from which we can
-- recover this context by looking it up.
instance ToJSON (Ctx t) where
toJSON = toJSON . ctxHash

-- | Deserialize a context. We expect to see a hash, and look it up
-- in the provided CtxMap.
instance FromJSONE (CtxMap CtxTree t) (Ctx t) where
parseJSONE v = do
h <- liftE $ parseJSON @CtxHash v
m <- getE
case getCtx h m of
Nothing -> failT ["Encountered unknown context hash", showT h]
Just ctx -> pure ctx

instance (PrettyPrec t) => PrettyPrec (Ctx t) where
prettyPrec _ Empty = emptyDoc
prettyPrec _ (assocs -> bs) = brackets (hsep (punctuate "," (map prettyBinding bs)))
prettyPrec _ _ = "<Ctx>"

-- | The semigroup operation for contexts is /right/-biased union.
instance Semigroup (Ctx t) where
instance Hashable t => Semigroup (Ctx t) where
(<>) = union

instance Monoid (Ctx t) where
instance Hashable t => Monoid (Ctx t) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)

instance AsEmpty (Ctx t) where
_Empty = prism (const empty) isEmpty
isEmpty (Ctx c)
| M.null c = Right ()
| otherwise = Left (Ctx c)
isEmpty c
| M.null (unCtx c) = Right ()
| otherwise = Left c

-- Context operations

-- | The empty context.
empty :: Ctx t
empty = Ctx M.empty
empty = Ctx M.empty (CtxTree mempty CtxEmpty)

-- | A singleton context.
singleton :: Var -> t -> Ctx t
singleton x t = Ctx (M.singleton x t)
singleton :: Hashable t => Var -> t -> Ctx t
singleton x t = Ctx (M.singleton x t) (CtxTree (singletonHash x t) (CtxSingle x t))

-- | Create a 'Ctx' from a 'Map'.
fromMap :: Hashable t => Map Var t -> Ctx t
fromMap m = case NE.nonEmpty (M.assocs m) of
Nothing -> empty
Just ne -> foldr1 union ( (uncurry singleton) ne)

-- | Look up a variable in a context.
lookup :: Var -> Ctx t -> Maybe t
lookup x (Ctx c) = M.lookup x c
lookup x (Ctx m _) = M.lookup x m

-- | Look up a variable in a context in an ambient Reader effect.
lookupR :: Has (Reader (Ctx t)) sig m => Var -> m (Maybe t)
lookupR x = lookup x <$> ask

-- | Delete a variable from a context.
delete :: Var -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
delete x (Ctx c) = Ctx (M.delete x c)
delete :: Hashable t => Var -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
delete x c@(Ctx m s@(CtxTree h _)) = case M.lookup x m of
Nothing -> c
Just t -> Ctx (M.delete x m) (CtxTree (h - singletonHash x t) (CtxDelete x t s))

-- | Get the list of key-value associations from a context.
assocs :: Ctx t -> [(Var, t)]
Expand All @@ -87,18 +219,85 @@

-- | Add a key-value binding to a context (overwriting the old one if
-- the key is already present).
addBinding :: Var -> t -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
addBinding x t (Ctx c) = Ctx (M.insert x t c)
addBinding :: Hashable t => Var -> t -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
addBinding x t (Ctx m s@(CtxTree h _)) = Ctx (M.insert x t m) s'
s' = CtxTree h' (CtxUnion (CtxTree tHash (CtxSingle x t)) s)
tHash = singletonHash x t
h' = case M.lookup x m of
Nothing -> h + tHash
Just t' -> h - singletonHash x t' + tHash
byorgey marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

-- | /Right/-biased union of contexts.
union :: Ctx t -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
union (Ctx c1) (Ctx c2) = Ctx (c2 `M.union` c1)
union :: Hashable t => Ctx t -> Ctx t -> Ctx t
union (Ctx m1 s1@(CtxTree h1 _)) (Ctx m2 s2@(CtxTree h2 _)) = Ctx (m2 `M.union` m1) (CtxTree h' (CtxUnion s1 s2))
-- `Data.Map.intersection l r` returns a map with common keys, but values from `l`
overwritten = M.intersection m1 m2
h' = h1 + h2 - mapHash overwritten

-- | Locally extend the context with an additional binding.
withBinding :: Has (Reader (Ctx t)) sig m => Var -> t -> m a -> m a
withBinding :: (Has (Reader (Ctx t)) sig m, Hashable t) => Var -> t -> m a -> m a
withBinding x ty = local (addBinding x ty)

-- | Locally extend the context with an additional context of
-- bindings.
withBindings :: Has (Reader (Ctx t)) sig m => Ctx t -> m a -> m a
withBindings :: (Has (Reader (Ctx t)) sig m, Hashable t) => Ctx t -> m a -> m a
withBindings ctx = local (`union` ctx)

-- Context serializing/deserializing

-- | A 'CtxMap' maps context hashes to context structures. Those
-- structures could either be complete context trees, or just a
-- single level of structure containing more hashes.
type CtxMap f t = Map CtxHash (CtxF f t)

-- | Read a context from a context map.
getCtx :: CtxHash -> CtxMap CtxTree t -> Maybe (Ctx t)
getCtx h m = case M.lookup h m of
Nothing -> Nothing
byorgey marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
Just tree -> Just $ ctxFromTree (CtxTree h tree)

-- | Turn a context into a context map containing every subtree of its
-- structure.
toCtxMap :: Ctx t -> CtxMap CtxTree t
toCtxMap (Ctx m s) = run $ execState M.empty (buildCtxMap m s)

-- | Build a context map by keeping track of the incrementally built
-- map in a state effect, and traverse the given context structure
-- to add all subtrees to the map---but, of course, stopping without
-- recursing further whenever we see a hash that is already in the
-- map.
buildCtxMap :: forall t m sig. Has (State (CtxMap CtxTree t)) sig m => Map Var t -> CtxTree t -> m ()
buildCtxMap m (CtxTree h s) = do
cm <- get @(CtxMap CtxTree t)
case h `M.member` cm of
byorgey marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
True -> pure ()
False -> do
modify (M.insert h s)
case s of
CtxEmpty -> pure ()
CtxSingle {} -> pure ()
CtxDelete x t s1 -> buildCtxMap (M.insert x t m) s1
CtxUnion s1 s2 -> buildCtxMap m s1 *> buildCtxMap m s2

-- | "Dehydrate" a context map by replacing the actual context trees
-- with single structure layers containing only hashes. A
-- dehydrated context map is very suitable for serializing, since it
-- makes sharing completely explicit---even if a given context is
-- referenced multiple times, the references are simply hash values,
-- and the context is stored only once, under its hash.
dehydrate :: CtxMap CtxTree t -> CtxMap (Const CtxHash) t
dehydrate = (restructure (\(CtxTree h1 _) -> Const h1))

-- | "Rehydrate" a dehydrated context map by replacing every hash with
-- an actual context structure. We do this by building the result
-- as a lazy, recursive map, replacing each hash by the result we
-- get when looking it up in the map being built. A context which
-- is referenced multiple times will thus be shared in memory.
rehydrate :: forall t. CtxMap (Const CtxHash) t -> CtxMap CtxTree t
rehydrate m = m'
m' :: CtxMap CtxTree t
m' = (restructure (\(Const h) -> CtxTree h (m' M.! h))) m
14 changes: 8 additions & 6 deletions src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/JSON.hs
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-- to put them all here to avoid circular module dependencies.
module Swarm.Language.JSON where

import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), genericParseJSON, genericToJSON, withText)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), withText)
import Data.Aeson qualified as Ae
import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (processTermEither)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax (Term)
import Swarm.Language.Syntax.Pattern (Syntax, TSyntax)
import Swarm.Language.Value (Env, Value)
import Swarm.Pretty (prettyText)
import Swarm.Util.JSON (optionsMinimize)
import Witch (into)

instance FromJSON TSyntax where
Expand All @@ -30,10 +29,13 @@
instance ToJSON Syntax

instance ToJSON Value where
toJSON = genericToJSON optionsMinimize
toJSON = undefined

Check warning on line 32 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/JSON.hs

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GitHub Actions / HLint

Warning in module Swarm.Language.JSON: Avoid restricted function ▫︎ Found: "undefined" ▫︎ Note: may break the code

instance FromJSON Value where
parseJSON = genericParseJSON optionsMinimize
parseJSON = undefined

Check warning on line 35 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/JSON.hs

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GitHub Actions / HLint

Warning in module Swarm.Language.JSON: Avoid restricted function ▫︎ Found: "undefined" ▫︎ Note: may break the code

deriving instance FromJSON Env
deriving instance ToJSON Env
instance ToJSON Env where
toJSON = undefined

Check warning on line 38 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/JSON.hs

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GitHub Actions / HLint

Warning in module Swarm.Language.JSON: Avoid restricted function ▫︎ Found: "undefined" ▫︎ Note: may break the code

instance FromJSON Env where
parseJSON = undefined

Check warning on line 41 in src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/JSON.hs

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GitHub Actions / HLint

Warning in module Swarm.Language.JSON: Avoid restricted function ▫︎ Found: "undefined" ▫︎ Note: may break the code
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Key.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ where

import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.Kind qualified
import Data.List (sort, (\\))
import Data.Set (Set)
Expand All @@ -37,10 +38,13 @@ import Witch (from)
-- Parsing

deriving instance Hashable V.Modifier
deriving instance Hashable V.Key

-- | A keyboard input, represented as a key + modifiers. Invariant:
-- the modifier list is always sorted.
data KeyCombo = KeyCombo V.Key [V.Modifier]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Generic, Hashable, FromJSON, ToJSON)

deriving instance FromJSON V.Key
deriving instance FromJSON V.Modifier
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/swarm-lang/Swarm/Language/Requirements/Type.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ data Requirements = Requirements
, devReqs :: Set Text
, invReqs :: Map Text Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Data, Generic, FromJSON, ToJSON, Hashable)

instance Semigroup Requirements where
Requirements c1 d1 i1 <> Requirements c2 d2 i2 =
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