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Add runLoop function #347

merged 14 commits into from
Sep 2, 2024
56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions Sources/AWSLambdaRuntimeCore/NewLambda.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// This source file is part of the SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime open source project
// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. and the SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import Dispatch
import Logging
import NIOCore

package protocol StreamingLambdaHandler {
mutating func handle(
_ event: ByteBuffer,
responseWriter: some LambdaResponseStreamWriter,
context: NewLambdaContext
) async throws

extension Lambda {
package static func runLoop<RuntimeClient: LambdaRuntimeClientProtocol, Handler>(
aryan-25 marked this conversation as resolved.
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runtimeClient: RuntimeClient,
handler: Handler,
logger: Logger
) async throws where Handler: StreamingLambdaHandler {
var handler = handler

while !Task.isCancelled {
let (invocation, writer) = try await runtimeClient.nextInvocation()

do {
try await handler.handle(
responseWriter: writer,
context: NewLambdaContext(
requestID: invocation.metadata.requestID,
traceID: invocation.metadata.traceID,
invokedFunctionARN: invocation.metadata.invokedFunctionARN,
deadline: DispatchWallTime(millisSinceEpoch: invocation.metadata.deadlineInMillisSinceEpoch),
logger: logger
} catch {
try await writer.reportError(error)
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions Tests/AWSLambdaRuntimeCoreTests/LambdaMockClient.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
// This source file is part of the SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime open source project
// Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. and the SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0
// See LICENSE.txt for license information
// See CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of SwiftAWSLambdaRuntime project authors
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import AWSLambdaRuntimeCore
import Foundation
import Logging
import NIOCore

struct LambdaMockWriter: LambdaResponseStreamWriter {
var underlying: LambdaMockClient

init(underlying: LambdaMockClient) {
self.underlying = underlying

mutating func write(_ buffer: ByteBuffer) async throws {
try await self.underlying.write(buffer)

func finish() async throws {
try await self.underlying.finish()

func writeAndFinish(_ buffer: ByteBuffer) async throws {
try await self.underlying.write(buffer)
try await self.underlying.finish()

func reportError(_ error: any Error) async throws {
await self.underlying.reportError(error)

enum LambdaError: Error, Equatable {
case cannotCallNextEndpointWhenAlreadyWaitingForEvent
case cannotCallNextEndpointWhenAlreadyProcessingAnEvent
case cannotReportResultWhenNoEventHasBeenProcessed
case cancelError
case handlerError

final actor LambdaMockClient: LambdaRuntimeClientProtocol {
typealias Writer = LambdaMockWriter

private struct StateMachine {
private enum State {
// The Lambda has just started, or an event has finished processing and the runtime is ready to receive more events.
// Expecting a next() call by the runtime.
case initialState

// The next endpoint has been called but no event has arrived yet.
case waitingForNextEvent(eventArrivedHandler: CheckedContinuation<Invocation, any Error>)

// The handler is processing the event. Buffers written to the writer are accumulated.
case handlerIsProcessing(
accumulatedResponse: [ByteBuffer],
eventProcessedHandler: CheckedContinuation<ByteBuffer, any Error>

private var state: State = .initialState

// Queue incoming events if the runtime is busy handling an event.
private var eventQueue = [Event]()

enum InvokeAction {
// The next endpoint is waiting for an event. Deliver this newly arrived event to it.
case readyToProcess(_ eventArrivedHandler: CheckedContinuation<Invocation, any Error>)

// The next endpoint has not been called yet. This event has been added to the queue.
case wait

enum NextAction {
// There is an event available to be processed.
case readyToProcess(Invocation)

// No events available yet. Wait for an event to arrive.
case wait

case fail(LambdaError)

enum CancelNextAction {
case none

case cancelContinuation(CheckedContinuation<Invocation, any Error>)

enum ResultAction {
case readyForMore

case fail(LambdaError)

enum FailProcessingAction {
case none

case throwContinuation(CheckedContinuation<ByteBuffer, any Error>)

mutating func next(_ eventArrivedHandler: CheckedContinuation<Invocation, any Error>) -> NextAction {
switch self.state {
case .initialState:
if self.eventQueue.isEmpty {
// No event available yet -- store the continuation for the next invoke() call.
self.state = .waitingForNextEvent(eventArrivedHandler: eventArrivedHandler)
return .wait
} else {
// An event is already waiting to be processed
let event = self.eventQueue.removeFirst() // TODO: use Deque

self.state = .handlerIsProcessing(
accumulatedResponse: [],
eventProcessedHandler: event.eventProcessedHandler
return .readyToProcess(event.invocation)
case .waitingForNextEvent:
return .fail(.cannotCallNextEndpointWhenAlreadyWaitingForEvent)
case .handlerIsProcessing:
return .fail(.cannotCallNextEndpointWhenAlreadyProcessingAnEvent)

mutating func invoke(_ event: Event) -> InvokeAction {
switch self.state {
case .initialState, .handlerIsProcessing:
// next() hasn't been called yet. Add to the event queue.
return .wait
case .waitingForNextEvent(let eventArrivedHandler):
// The runtime is already waiting for an event
self.state = .handlerIsProcessing(
accumulatedResponse: [],
eventProcessedHandler: event.eventProcessedHandler
return .readyToProcess(eventArrivedHandler)

mutating func writeResult(buffer: ByteBuffer) -> ResultAction {
switch self.state {
case .handlerIsProcessing(var accumulatedResponse, let eventProcessedHandler):
self.state = .handlerIsProcessing(
accumulatedResponse: accumulatedResponse,
eventProcessedHandler: eventProcessedHandler
return .readyForMore
case .initialState, .waitingForNextEvent:
return .fail(.cannotReportResultWhenNoEventHasBeenProcessed)

mutating func finish() throws {
switch self.state {
case .handlerIsProcessing(let accumulatedResponse, let eventProcessedHandler):
let finalResult: ByteBuffer = accumulatedResponse.reduce(ByteBuffer()) { (accumulated, current) in
var accumulated = accumulated
return accumulated

eventProcessedHandler.resume(returning: finalResult)
// reset back to the initial state
self.state = .initialState
case .initialState, .waitingForNextEvent:
throw LambdaError.cannotReportResultWhenNoEventHasBeenProcessed

mutating func cancelNext() -> CancelNextAction {
switch self.state {
case .initialState, .handlerIsProcessing:
return .none
case .waitingForNextEvent(let eventArrivedHandler):
self.state = .initialState
return .cancelContinuation(eventArrivedHandler)

mutating func failProcessing() -> FailProcessingAction {
switch self.state {
case .initialState, .waitingForNextEvent:
return .none
aryan-25 marked this conversation as resolved.
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case .handlerIsProcessing(_, let eventProcessedHandler):
return .throwContinuation(eventProcessedHandler)

private var stateMachine: StateMachine = .init()

struct Event {
let invocation: Invocation
let eventProcessedHandler: CheckedContinuation<ByteBuffer, any Error>

func invoke(event: ByteBuffer) async throws -> ByteBuffer {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { eventProcessedHandler in
do {
let metadata = try InvocationMetadata(
headers: .init([
("Lambda-Runtime-Aws-Request-Id", "100"), // arbitrary values
("Lambda-Runtime-Deadline-Ms", "100"),
("Lambda-Runtime-Invoked-Function-Arn", "100"),
let invocation = Invocation(metadata: metadata, event: event)

let invokeAction = self.stateMachine.invoke(
invocation: invocation,
eventProcessedHandler: eventProcessedHandler

switch invokeAction {
case .readyToProcess(let eventArrivedHandler):
// nextInvocation had been called earlier and is currently waiting for an event; deliver
eventArrivedHandler.resume(returning: invocation)
case .wait:
// The event has been added to the event queue; wait for it to be picked up
} catch {
eventProcessedHandler.resume(throwing: error)

func nextInvocation() async throws -> (Invocation, Writer) {
try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
let invocation = try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { eventArrivedHandler in
switch {
case .readyToProcess(let event):
eventArrivedHandler.resume(returning: event)
case .fail(let error):
eventArrivedHandler.resume(throwing: error)
case .wait:
return (invocation, Writer(underlying: self))
} onCancel: {
Task {
await self.cancelNextInvocation()

private func cancelNextInvocation() {
switch self.stateMachine.cancelNext() {
case .none:
case .cancelContinuation(let continuation):
continuation.resume(throwing: LambdaError.cancelError)

func write(_ buffer: ByteBuffer) async throws {
switch self.stateMachine.writeResult(buffer: buffer) {
case .readyForMore:
case .fail(let error):
throw error

func finish() async throws {
try self.stateMachine.finish()

func reportError(_ error: any Error) {
switch self.stateMachine.failProcessing() {
case .none:
case .throwContinuation(let continuation):
continuation.resume(throwing: error)