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Use Cases

Common API Admin edited this page Dec 12, 2023 · 5 revisions

Use Cases Categories (API view)

The use cases described in the following pages relate exclusively to the core processes of banking. This serves to get an idea of the process's services. Aspects of security and privacy are excluded at this point and will be addressed separately.
The following section shows the basic use case categories covered by the API.

Existing Mortgages

  • Show my existing mortgages
  • Show current offers for my expiring mortgages

Mortgages Application

  • Place a new mortgage application
  • Manage a mortgage application (e.g. add documents, get status)
  • Get offers for new mortgage applications

Products & Orders

  • Get an overview of all mortgages products (general information & conditions)
  • Place and manage mortgage orders (incl. prolongations)

Details Special Use Cases (customer view)

In the following section, details from a customer perspective are described for:

  • Prolongation of a Mortgage
  • Transfer Mortgages - Bank to Bank
  • Transfer Mortgages - via TPP

Prolongation of a Mortgage

Prolongation of an expiring mortgage, no change in risk for the bank

  • Customer and relationship manager are notified about (1-n) expiring mortgage products (tranches). The notification happens on several channels (RM Dashboard, E- or Mobile Banking, SMS, Customer Portal, Printout, Phone)
  • If the customer does not opt for self-service, the Customer and relationship manager discuss the prolongation and possible financing strategies (on several channels possible)
  • The bank provides 1-n offers for the prolongation (via chosen channel)
  • The customer compares the offers and chooses one out of it
  • The bank is informed about the customer's decision
  • The expiring mortgage tranche is replaced by a new product tranche (fully STP possible)
  • The new products are persisted and the product confirmation is sent to the customer

Prolongation of an expiring mortgage, change in risk for the bank

  • Customer and relationship manager are notified about (1-n) expiring mortgage products (tranches). The notification happens on several channels (RM Dashboard, E- or Mobile Banking, SMS, Customer Portal, Printout, Phone)
  • Relationship manager asks for additional information from the customer when they have knowledge about relevant negative changes in debt to income ratio (Tragbarkeit / Bonität) or loan to value ratio (Belehnung)
  • Customer and relationship manager discuss the prolongation, possible financing strategies (on several channels possible)
  • If financing is still allowed by the banks’ regulation, the bank provides 1-n offers for the prolongation (via chosen channel)
  • The customer compares the offers and selects the best fit
  • The bank is informed about the customer's decision
  • The expiring mortgage tranche is replaced by a new product tranche (fully STP possible)
  • The new products are persisted and the product confirmation is sent to the customer

Transfer Mortgage - Bank to Bank

Offering Data Interface
The existing bank makes the following data available to the new bank on request:

  • Real estate data, e.g. street, cat. no., E-GRID no., postcode
  • Basic appraisal data, e.g. number of rooms, bathrooms, etc.
  • Real estate lien data, e.g. type of real estate lien, amount, etc.
  • Payment instructions for repayment, e.g. amount incl. interest, account no.

Remark: New bank --> Receives data about properties and loans (including interest rates and mortgage certificates) and payment instructions.

Import properties and loans information
The new bank makes can receive and import the data needed for an offering:

  • Real estate data, e.g. street, cat. no., E-GRID no., postcode
  • Basic appraisal data, e.g. number of rooms, bathrooms, etc.
  • Real estate lien data, e.g. type of real estate lien, amount, etc.
  • Payment instructions for repayment, e.g. amount incl. interest, account no.

Remark: New bank imports the data into their system to make an offering to the client.

Electronic promise to pay
An interface must be made available so that irrevocable promises to pay can be exchanged electronically from the new bank with the existing bank. On the basis of this promise to pay, the existing bank then releases the real estate lien.

Remark: Existing bank --> Receives electronic promise to pay.

Interface for submission of notes
An interface is planned to ensure real estate liens can be efficiently transferred. The aim is collective custody for register-based mortgage notes and paper-based real estate liens.

Remark: Interface for register-based mortgage note distribution or address data for the dispatch of paper-based mortgage notes.

Execute the payment
Based on the payment interfaces, the bank has to provide some mortgage data in the payment so that the existing bank can close the business related to the payment.

Remark: Interface for register-based mortgage note distribution or address data for the dispatch of paper-based mortgage notes.

Transfer Mortgage - via TPP Platform

Review mortgage offers

  • The customer decides on the re-mortgage criteria e.g. principal amount, rate (fixed, variable, etc), monthly repayments, and term required
  • The customer uses a third-party provider (e.g. mortgage loans website) to request mortgage offers available
  • The third-party website contacts mortgage providers to get mortgage offers that meet the customer's eligibility and mortgage criteria for comparison

Apply for mortgage

  • The customer selects one mortgage provider from the third-party mortgage website that is suitable
  • The customer scans the required documents (e.g. salary slips, existing mortgage statement, etc.) and completes additional details for the application on third-party provider website
  • The third-party provider submits the application to the selected mortgage provider
  • The mortgage provider conducts further mortgage eligibility checks
  • Customer is a new or an existing client
  • Credit bureau ratings
  • The existing bank makes the following data available to the new bank on request:
    • Real estate data (street, cat. no., E-GRID no., postcode)
    • Basic appraisal data (number of rooms, bathrooms, etc.)
    • Real estate lien data (type of real estate lien, amount, etc.)
    • Payment instructions for repayment (amount incl. interest, account no.)
  • The mortgage provider arranges a valuation of the property being mortgaged
  • On receipt of the property valuation the mortgage provider either accepts or rejects the application

Receive mortgage offer

  • The third-party provider sends the approved mortgage offer to the customer
  • The customer engages a legal conveyancer to assist with the legal documentation for approval and signature
  • The customer advises the existing mortgage provider of a decision to repay the mortgage and move the mortgage to a new provider
  • The customer agrees on the mortgage completion date for the release of funds for the new mortgage
  • The third-party provider advises the mortgage provider of the completion date to transfer funds to the conveyancer escrow to pay off the previous mortgage

Repay the mortgage

  • The third-party provider advises the customer of the repayment schedule
  • The customer repays according to the repayment schedule
  • The third-party provider provides a periodic mortgage statement to the customer



Mortgage-UseCases drawio

Use Case Category - Existing Mortgages


Customer Core Use Cases

  • Show my existing mortgages
  • Show current offers for my expiring mortgages

TPP Functionality

  • List of all my mortgages incl. corresponding properties
  • Get a specific mortgage
  • List of all offers for a specific expiring mortgage
  • Get a specific offer for an expiring mortgage


  • /mortgages/v[x]
    (e.g. /mortgages/v1 where v1 is the major version 1 of the API)

Use Case Category - Mortgages Application


Customer Core Use Cases

  • Place a new mortgage application
  • Manage a mortgage application
  • Get offers for new mortgage applications

TPP Functionality

  • Place a new mortgage application
  • Get details of a specific application
  • Add documents for a specific application
  • Delete a formerly uploaded document
  • Get the current status of an application
  • Add SwissRETS property details
  • Place a financing-request for a specific application
  • List all binding offers for a given financing request
  • Get the details of a specific offer of a given financing request
  • Get information list, the specific FI needs for valuation


  • /mortgages/v[x]/applications
    (e.g. /mortgages/v1/applications where v1 is the major version 1 of the API)

Use Case Category - Products & Orders

Products Order

Customer Core Use Cases

  • Get an overview of all mortgages products (general information & conditions)
  • Place and manage mortgage orders

TPP Functionality

  • Place a new order
  • Get the details of a specific placed order
  • Get the current status of an order
  • Get a list of all mortgage products
  • Get the general conditions for the specified mortgage product

FI API Paths

  • /mortgages/v[x]/orders
  • /mortgages/v[x]/products
    (e.g. /mortgages/v1/orders where v1 is the major version 1 of the API)