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SWP-Comp-Ch3ck3r edited this page Apr 27, 2013 · 3 revisions

We want to reach a test coverage of 90%. This is good practice but can be hard when you don't know which parts of your code are covered already. To help you with this, an eclipse plugin called "EclEmma" is available.

Install Ecl Emma Eclipse Plugin

Click on Help -> Install new Software. Enter the URL in the Work with field and presse enter. Now Check the ECL Emma plugin and click on next or finish until the installation is finished.

ecl install

Check Your Coverage

To check your coverage select your junit test and run the ecl test coverage plugin.

coverage view

Eclipse will now highlight your code in green and red. Green code is covered by your tests, red code is not. Eclipse will show you a coverage summary in the Coverage view

run coverage