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Frank Zechert edited this page Jun 4, 2013 · 2 revisions

The FUC Gui IDE is a simple graphical IDE to control and use the Compiler. You can find the IDE inside dist/Fuc-Ide.jar.

  1. Compiler Components
  2. Visualization Components
  3. GUI
  4. Run the GUI

Compiler Components

The GUI can work with all compiler components that stick to the interfaces from inside the common directory. The Java Service Loader framework is used to search for Compiler Components inside the classpath.

To add your compiler component to the GUI IDE just add them to the classpath.

Visualization Components

The different phases of the compiler are displayed in so called visualization components. The visualization components are searched in the classpath using the Java Service Loader framework. Default Visualization components are found inside /code/dist/Fuc-Gui-Ide*.jar files. To add your own visualization components use add them to the classpath.



  1. Inside the Components Menu you can select the compiler components to use. You can select the Lexer implementation, Parser implementation etc. The first implementation of each component found in the classpath is active by default.
  2. Click this button to execute the Compiler and update all visualization components.
  3. The different visualization components are shown as tabs in the central region of the gui
  4. Parser and Semantic Analysis report found errors in this view.
  5. Logging output of the compiler is shown here
  6. Additional status information are displayed inside the statusbar

Run the Gui

To run the gui call ant run-gui. To save some time when the sources are already built call ant run-gui-without-build to skip the rebuilding process. The gui will use all jar files found inside code/dist.

Alternatively you can use plain old Java to call the gui. java -cp Compiler_Component_1.jar ... Visualization_Component_4.jar ... Fuc-Ide.jar swp_compiler_ss13.fuc.gui.ide.FucIdeController