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1. Crop and stretch options

Tamius Han edited this page Jul 7, 2019 · 1 revision

This extension provides a few different options for fitting the video to your screen. This page describes the following features:

  • Crop
  • Stretch
  • Manual zoom and pan
  • Video alignment


This option can only be set for individual videos.

By default, cropping mode supports the following options:

  • Automatic: try to determine aspect ratio automatically. Will not work if automatic aspect ratio detection is disabled for the site you're currently on.
  • Fit width: video takes up all available width
  • Fit height: video takes up all available height
  • 16:9: crop the video for 16:9 aspect ratio ([1:]1.77)
  • 21:9: crop the video for 21:9 aspect ratio ([1:]2.39)
  • 18:9: crop the video for 18:9 aspect ratio ([1:]2.00)
  • Reset: Resets the aspect ratio back to what it was by default.

NOTE: setting aspect ratio manually will cancel automatic aspect ratio detection.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • R — reset aspect ratio
  • A — detect aspect ratio automatically
  • W — fit width
  • E — fit height
  • S — crop for 16:9
  • X — crop for 18:9
  • D — crop for 21:9

Additional aspect ratios can be added or removed via extensions preferences page. It's also possible to change keyboard shortcuts there.


In addition for setting stretching on per-video basis, it's possible to set default stretch mode — both globally (for all sites) as well as on site-by-site basis.

Available stretch options:

  • Normal — don't apply stretching.
  • Basic — stretch the video until it fits the screen. Cropping is ignored when using this mode, which means that any black bars hardcoded in the video will be still present. If we're being completely honest, this shouldn't even be an option, but it's present for feature completeness sake. May be removed in a later version of this addon.
  • Hybrid — stretches the video to fit the screen, but only after cropping has been applied. For example: when watching a 18:9 video on a 21:9 monitor, cropping it for 21:9 will crop too much while cropping it for 18:9 will remove the horizontal bars, but still leave vertical black bars. When using this mode, the extension will remove vertical bars with cropping, and then stretch the video to remove black bars.
  • Thin borders — will apply stretching only of black borders are very thin enough. By default, this option activates stretching only when black borders take up less than 5% of image width or height after cropping. This value can be changed in extension options. In short, this option will only stretch the image when distortion from stretching would be minimal.
  • Default (in Site Settings only) — when setting default stretching mode for a site, this option tells the site to use the extension-default stretching mode for the site.

By default there are no keyboard shortcuts associated with those actions. You can define keyboard settings on extension's "preferences" page.

Manual zoom and panning

NOTE: this option is considered experimental and could be all sorts of broken.

You can use the slider to zoom a specific video. The slider scale is logarithmic. Zoom level is completely independent of cropping. Zoom level can only be set on per-video basis.

Keyboard shortcuts

  • Z — zoom
  • U — unzoom
  • (hold) shift + (move mouse around) — allows you to pan around a video.

Notable issues

  • 'Pan with mouse' checkbox should allow panning without having to hold the 'shift' key. It doesn't do so.
  • Slider is not always in sync with actual zoom

Align videos

When playing a proper 16:9 video in fullscreen on a 21:9, the video will be centered with black bars on either side by default. Some expressed a wish for ability to align the video to the right or left rather than center.