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Nightly and testing versions

Tamius Han edited this page Mar 1, 2020 · 3 revisions

While AMO and Chrome Web Store host the latest stable version, Ultrawidify has two additional flavours: nightly and testing.

Nightly versions of Ultrawidify are the most current ones. They get built every day (assuming I actually did anything that day) and may contain preview of things to come. They're built regardless of whether extension works or not, which means that they could be completely and utterly broken.

Testing versions of Ultrawidify are the versions that get built for testing purposes. As such, testing versions should always work at least to some extent. However, depending on the purpose of a specific build, testing versions may have performance issues or have logging enabled. If you were told to download a "testing" version, you should have been told of any such issues beforehand. If you're downloading a testing version because the developer told you to and haven't been told of any performance issues, you can assume that there aren't any.

It is not recommended to use these versions instead of AMO/Chrome Web Store versions, as they get little to no support. If you were told to use a nightly or testing version because Chrome Web Store review is taking nearly a month and you need the fix yesterday, consider checking whether the store version has received an update every once in a while.

Installing nightly or testing version

Currently, nightly and testing versions aren't packaged (meaning, no .xpi or .crx files for easy installation). You need to install unpacked extension.

  1. Disable AMO/Chrome Web Store version of Ultrawidify while a nightly/testing version of the extension is installed

  2. Download nightly/testing version from here. Extract the contents of the .zip file somewhere.

  3. Install the nightly/testing version

For Firefox:

  • open Firefox
  • enter "about:debugging" in the URL bar
  • click "This Firefox"
  • click "Load Temporary Add-on"
  • Go to where you extracted the extension and select any file inside the extension folder.

For Chrome:

  • open Chrome
  • enter "chrome://extensions/" in the URL bar
  • enable debugging mode by clicking the switch in the upper right corner of the page
  • click "Load unpacked" button
  • Go to where you extracted the extension and select manifest.json inside the extension folder.

Compiling from source

If you're good enough to clone the repo, you probably know how modern javascript development works. No hand-holding here.